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The basic rules of fasting days for pain in the back

Основные правила разгрузочных дней при болях в спинеNutritionists advise to use the fasting days in a number of diseases.

Excess weight (compared to normal) for more than 20% impact on the musculoskeletal machine and indicates the need for fasting days 1 time per week. They are appointed on the basis of the disease, weight, height and age of the patient and his individual tolerance of certain foods and dishes.

During the fasting day used volume but low-calorie food. It should be taken in equal portions throughout the day in 5-6 receptions. The energy value of fasting days should amount to 600-1000 kcal.
During this period, from the menu should be completely ruled out bread, sweets and salt.

It is very important to cleanse the person does not feel hunger, otherwise in the days that followed, it is possible to overeat, which will make this procedure ineffective.

Fasting days are used sporadically or as part of a dietary program. Their goal is not only to reduce the energy value of the daily diet, but also in enriching it by any component.

On the basis of the predominance in the diet nutrients fasting days are divided into protein (meat, cheese, fish), carbohydrate (sugar, fruit, rice and fruit), fat (cream, cream) and pre proprietary use of liquid (juice, tea).

Vegetable day

You will need 1.5 kg of fresh vegetables, containing no purine bases (tomato, sweet pepper, carrot, cabbage), 1 tablespoon vegetable oil or 2 tablespoons of yogurt or low fat sour cream. This amount of food should be divided into 4-5 receptions for 200-250 g and use in the form of salads without adding salt.
Vegetable fasting diet is prescribed not only in diseases of the spine and joints in combination with obesity, but also with atherosclerosis, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, nephritis, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, kidney stones without phosphaturia and uric acid diathesis. It can help significantly improve the condition of the intestine and its microflora.

Apple day

Total energy value of the diet is 690 kcal. You need to divide 1 ½ -2 kg of apples on 5 servings (300-400 g) and consumed raw or after heat treatment (e.g., baked).

This diet is useful in hypertension, circulatory failure, acute nephritis, renal failure, liver diseases and biliary tract. In chronic colitis with diarrhea should be consumed 5-6 times a day (every 2 ½ to 3 hours) at 250-300 g of grated apples, pre-peeled and seeds.

Cucumber day

Split to 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers into 5 equal portions and consumed without salt. You can prepare salads, adding to taste fresh herbs (dill, parsley, celery, green onion, etc.) and tucking yogurt 1 % fat and a small amount of lemon juice.

This fasting diet slows down the process of transition of carbohydrate compounds of glycogen in the fat, since cucumber is rich in tartronovoj acid. It is especially useful in gout, arterial hypertension, diabetes type II diabetes in combination with obesity, nephritis, kidney disease without phosphaturia, diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Watermelon day

You will need 1.5 to 2 kg of watermelon pulp – at 300-400 g for 5 receptions. The extra fluid in the diet to add should not be.
This fasting diet is used not only in diseases of the joints, burdened by obesity, but also hypertension, circulatory failure, nephritis, nephrolithiasis without phosphaturia, and diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Fruit is an egg day

The energy value of this fasting diet 650 calories. Need 5 times a day to eat 1 hard-boiled egg and 100 g of apples with broth hips without sugar (200 ml).
Such a menu is indicated for obesity with normal hepatic function.

Oatmeal day

The caloric value of the diet is 790 calories. Use 140 g of oatmeal, cooked with water, 5 times a day. Just on the day you need 700 g of porridge prepared from 200 g of oatmeal. In addition: 1-2 cups of tea and broth hips.

Diet is useful not only at illnesses of joints and spine against the background of obesity, but also in atherosclerosis aggravated by obesity.

Milk (kefir) day

The energy value of the diet is 800-900 calories. You need to eat during the day in a volume of 200-250 ml of milk, kefir, sour milk (preferably low fat) in 6 steps, the total number is 1.2–1.5 L.
A variant of this fasting diet to 6 times a day (every 2 hours) to drink 100 ml of warm milk and 200 ml fruit juice at night with the addition of 20 g of glucose, or sugar.
Optionally, 2 times a day to eat 25 g dried wheat bread.

This diet is very effective in swelling of the joints of a gouty nature. In addition it is also used in atherosclerosis, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, circulatory failure, nephritis, nephrolithiasis without phosphaturia, and diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Cheese day

The energy value of this fasting diet is 700 calories. During the day you need to eat 70 g of cottage cheese (low-fat or 9 % fat) 5 receptions and drink 2 cups of tea, 1 Cup of decoction of rose hips and 2 cups of low-fat yogurt. The total amount of liquid – 1 litre

A variant of this fasting day is diet Yarotsky. During the day you need to eat 250-400 g of curd and drink 1 liter of kefir (milk).

Another option of food for fasting days is to eat 200 grams of cottage cheese 400 g of yogurt during the day. The energy value of the menu is 690 kcal.
There is another kind of cottage cheese diet: 400-600 g of cottage cheese with sour cream (can be in the form of cheese or pudding) divided into 4 equal portions and eat during the day. In addition, you can drink 2 cups of coffee with milk without sugar and 1-2 cups of broth hips.

This diet is prescribed people with diabetes type II, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension (in combination with obesity, circulatory failure, and diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Meat (fish) day

Total energy value of this fasting diet is 850 calories. During the day you need 5 tricks to eat 70 grams of cooked lean meat or fish and 100-150 g of vegetables in form of salads (cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes) and drink 1-2 glasses of tea without sugar.

Another option is a meat day: 400 g of boiled beef, 400 grams of raw or boiled cabbage or vegetable salad (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers), 2 cups of coffee with milk without sugar and 1-2 cups of broth hips. The total energy value is equal to 675 kcal.
This diet is effective not only in obesity but also in atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome.

Cream day

The total energy value is 1000 kcal. 300 g of sour cream 20 % fat to eat in 4 doses (60 g). In addition, during the day you can drink 2 cups of coffee or tea with milk without sugar and 1 Cup of broth hips.
You can use this option: to eat in 5 receptions for 80 g of sour cream 20 % fat and drink 1-2 cups of broth hips.

This diet is assigned when diabetes mellitus type II in combination with obesity.

On the fasting day juice

To separate 600 ml of a natural vegetable or fruit juice, diluted with 200 ml water, 800 ml of broth hips into 4 equal portions and drink throughout the day.
This fasting diet is useful in gout and other joint diseases associated with obesity. It is also indicated in atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, diabetes type II diabetes with obesity, kidney disease without phosphaturia, diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract.

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