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Best products to reduce inflammation

Diet to prevent inflammation. Inflammatory processes occurring in the body, may be associated with a number of reasons, but they definitely affect quality of life. Temperature, pain and swelling are the principal symptoms of almost any inflammation suggests that your own immune system has a fierce resistance to infection. Although …

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Coffee grounds: magical properties

Coffee grounds is a valuable organic raw material that has many useful properties. In the tea leaves and peel contain antioxidants superior in its effect on the body vitamin C and green tea 500 times. However, to use the identified antioxidants to fight pathogens in the human body it is …

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How useful drain for health

The properties of the plums, which you might not know. Plum delights us in late summer for its unique sweet-sour taste, it is very tasty in different ways of cooking. In the plum contains a lot of vitamins such as A, B1, B2, P, and a large number of trace …

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Strengthening bath for nails at home

The main thing – not to be lazy and not to spare time to care for the nails and skin of hands.The tools included in the proposed recipes will help make nails less brittle, and the skin smooth and silky. Cooking them will not take much time. One or two …

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How to keep a tan after the sea for long: 6 tips

The southern sun gives the body certain appeal. In order to Shine fresh, tanned skin all year, not just the first week after a holiday spent on the beach, it is worth careful approach to the process. Following some simple guidelines, you many months will the admiration of others, as …

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Traditional medicines from a stroke

Stroke – a disease that creeps up suddenly and as suddenly disarms relatives and friends. Well, when the treatment of this disease is comprehensively suitable, together with drug taking and homework exercises physical therapy stroke treatment folk remedies is of great help to the patient. – Take 1 tbsp. spoon …

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The most harmful products with food additives

So you do not deny yourself of your favorite Goodies, and were not afraid for their own health, for you hints, what is “E”, and simple rules that will help you choose the right products. Many of us who bought sauce, yogurt, chips, drinks or sweets noticed on the bag …

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Effective ways weight loss using herbs

In folk medicine there are many recipes of herbalists, which together with a diet helps bring the metabolism to normal and to lose weight. It’s no secret that obesity is associated not only with consumption of large quantities of food, but also with metabolic disorders. Overweight not only does not …

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Summer products, which must be included in the diet

Be sure to try these plants with unusual taste and great nutritional value. Each of us has a list of vegetables and fruits that we love and used to eat (or at least force ourselves for the sake of health). But farmers ‘ markets, local agricultural enterprises and garden in …

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The best recipes of refreshing lemonade without sugar

Water is one of the most important components of our life and our health. The person is recommended to drink about two liters every day. Someone can not cope with this volume, forgets, and someone can drink and more. However, if you are unable to drink regular plain water, here’s …

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