Home / Medicine / The best recipes of refreshing lemonade without sugar

The best recipes of refreshing lemonade without sugar

Лучшие рецепты освежающего лимонада без сахараWater is one of the most important components of our life and our health.

The person is recommended to drink about two liters every day. Someone can not cope with this volume, forgets, and someone can drink and more.

However, if you are unable to drink regular plain water, here’s a tip — give the water a taste along with additional vitamins. Here are a few examples of such water, which is also called “lemonade”.

Ginger lemonade


Fresh ginger clean, cut it into thin slices (you can use a mandoline, you can thinly with a knife to cut), to distribute the ginger slices in a jar.

There you can throw a couple of slices of lemon, pour all the boiling water and cool in the room (leave for a few hours, two hours will be enough), then cooled water put in the refrigerator to cool.

Drinking this lemonade is much nicer than plain water, especially if you are not a fan of water. Plus from this water you will benefit greatly. If you have extra pounds, the ginger to help you, as it has a good fat-burning effect. Ginger also can help with headaches, and another noted his influence on attraction to the opposite sex. Ginger also favorably affects the skin, hair and nails.

To drink this lemonade preferably 1, 2 months, and then need to rest a month. Ginger can too irritate the gastric mucosa and other organs of the digestive system. And this water is not for everyone, it is contraindicated for people with gastric ulcer or gastritis.

Berry lemonade


Wash a handful of your favorite berries, cover them in a jar, there you can add mint leaves or Melissa, slices of lemon, pour warm water (not hot!) and put in the fridge and add cooling.

This lemonade is a sort of compote. Only when boiled compote, berries boiled on the fire, that is, they are subjected to heat treatment. And we know that this treatment of the useful properties is lost. In case of making lemonade, we put the berries is so strong hot working, we only brew them in warm water.

The taste of the berry lemonade is bright and very pleasant, and equally useful for various vitamins and minerals. Even as an option would be great like this: freeze ice cubes with berries and throw them in plain water.

Cucumber lemonade


Slice it into thin circles of cucumber and put in a jar, cut into slices to distribute the lime and mint leaves.

Then cover with cold water and allow to stand in refrigerator five hours, no less.

This lemonade is very refreshing and useful. It incorporates all the useful properties of cucumbers, lime and mint. Primarily useful for immunity.

Lemon tea


Cut the lemon mugs, brew your favorite tea (preferably green or peppermint), put lemon in the tea and leave to cool, then refrigerate.

Optionally, you can add a few caps of sweetener to impart a sweet taste.

Cold lemon tea quenches your thirst and refreshes your body and your mind.

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