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Best products to reduce inflammation

Лучшие продукты для снятия воспалительных процессов Diet to prevent inflammation.

Inflammatory processes occurring in the body, may be associated with a number of reasons, but they definitely affect quality of life. Temperature, pain and swelling are the principal symptoms of almost any inflammation suggests that your own immune system has a fierce resistance to infection. Although inflammation is a natural protective reaction of our body to protect the body from toxic substances when it becomes chronic and starts to affect healthy cells.

This type of food, as an anti-inflammatory diet will improve the quality of life, reduce inflammation of various kinds, as well as to monitor their weight.

The importance of the anti-inflammatory diet

Why our body develops inflammation? Surely at least once you had to deal with this problem. Every one of us have days when we Wake up with puffiness, weakness and poor health slow down our reaction, and fatigue does not allow you to live an active life.

It should be borne in mind that if we eat a lot of carbs and sugars in our body increases the level of insulin. Part of the insulin is directed to the muscles. This goes for us, if we go in for sports: our muscles tighten. But if insulin is too much, then a certain amount of it remains in the blood, which leads to inflammation and fat storage.

Inflammation is a natural protective reaction of our body to protect the body from toxic substances, viruses, excess insulin, infection, foreign elements.

But it should be understood that although inflammation is a protective mechanism, it does not mean that this process is for the benefit of our health. When the inflammation becomes chronic, it starts to affect the healthy cells of our body.

This is what provokes the development of diseases such as diabetes of the 1st type, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc. But this can be avoided!

Diet to prevent inflammation

Recurring inflammation can accelerate aging and increase the risk of such problems and diseases, such as obesity, changes in blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease…

The use of certain products will help to reduce the risk of developing inflammation.

Products with a high content of fatty acids omega-3

According to the American journal of Clinical Nutrition, products with high content of fatty acids omega-3 is the ideal tool to combat inflammation.

The challenge was to stabilize the sugar level in the blood using foods that contain low amount of sugar and is useful for our human fats. This will allow to achieve the necessary balance.

Most importantly, do not make the common mistake: some people begin to abuse the products content of fatty acids omega-3, which causes the opposite effect. In this case, begins to produce hormones of eicosanoids that cause chronic inflammation.

So what products are recommended to include in your diet?

Blue species of fish.
Chia seeds.
Pumpkin seeds.

Citrus and inflammation

Nutritionists say first of all about the importance to our health of these types of citrus like pomelo and grapefruit. You can also use other fruits: oranges, lemons, kiwi, mango… Try to avoid too ripe fruit — in this case, they accumulate sugar.

Why is it so effective citrus when it comes to inflammation? The main reason is that citrus have a high content of vitamin C, vitamin E and flavonoids. These substances reduce inflammation in the tissues of our body.

According to doctors, the use of a pomelo a day can reduce the level of C-reactive protein, which is indicator of inflammatory processes.

Benefits of tomatoes

Often indulge in salads with tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant and of great benefit to our health.

These vegetables are a source of various mineral salts and vitamins, especially A and C, which normalize the digestive system, cleanse our body and fight infections.

The results of a study recently conducted by the British Journal of Nutrition showed that it is recommended to drink a glass of tomato juice for twelve days each month.

Large-leaved vegetables

Mainly to large-leaved vegetables include spinach and broccoli. These vegetables are very healthy: they are rich in vitamin K, which is necessary for the treatment of inflammation.

Normally in our intestinal tract is full of vitamin K, so increasing its level will help to cleanse the body of toxins that cause inflammation.

About the benefits of black rice

Black rice helps to get rid of the inflammation caused by allergies or asthma. This is due to the fact that this grass reduces by 30% the production of histamine. This was confirmed by a study conducted Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Also worth bearing in mind that black rice contains large amounts of antioxidants and minerals that help us maintain a healthy weight, take care of heart health, prevent diabetes, and, of course, provide us with a large amount of energy.


The main weapon of ginger against inflammation in the body is gingerol — the substance through which the ginger and has a spicy-bitter taste. It dilates blood vessels and improves circulation, including in the area of inflammation, thereby markedly reducing it.


Blueberries – the list of useful anti-inflammatory products due to the presence of resveratrol, anti-inflammatory nutrients, but also because of the low sugar content and great taste. It is a good antioxidant, with the ability to enhance the ability of the cell membrane to pass nutrients and chemicals from one cell to another.

When choosing blueberries, prefer an organic product: it is higher in antioxidants and less toxins.

Turmeric (curcumin)

Turmeric is a yellow root, ground form of spices containing one of the most powerful natural antioxidants — curcumin. Widely used in medicine in China and in India, this root has penetrated to the West relatively recently. Anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric exceeded all prescribed by doctors remedies against inflammation and without any side effects. Regular use of this spice helps with joint pain.

In addition, curcumin has a unique anti-inflammatory action on the eyes. Regular use of this seasoning, and curry where turmeric is the main component that can reduce the inflammation of the iris of the eye and protect the retina from exposure to sunlight.

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