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Simple tips on how to get rid of fatigue

How to recover after a hard day? Choose any recipe! 1. Pat the catIf possible, get a cat or dog. Or at least go to the output in cafés where you can pet fluffy handsome. Communication with animals – a great way to relieve emotional stress and improve mood. 2. …

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Doctors told why dangerous supplements with calcium

Repeatedly elderly women who use calcium to strengthen bones, are at risk of dementia. Mostly women take these supplements to prevent osteoporosis occurring after menopause. This process slows the production of bone tissue in the body. Thanks to these drugs can develop serious problems – dementia, circulatory disorders. The experts …

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Relaxation exercises for the muscles of the neck

Exercises to maintain good health.A sedentary lifestyle does not add muscle tone. So every hour you need to take breaks, working in the office, and doing relaxing exercises for neck and stretch your tired limbs. To maintain good health sufficient to carry a small complex of simple exercises office relaxing …

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Called the fruit that protects against obesity and diabetes

Why do nutritionists recommend to eat grapes and oranges together.Two fruits, oranges and grapes, protects you from obesity and diabetes better than diets and pills. The main condition is to eat these fruits together. In these fruits, as found by nutritionists, contains two specific compounds, which contribute to a powerful …

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Named the best food for cleansing arteries

How to keep arteries clean.Some “favorite” foods that are rich in nutrients and provide the body with everything necessary, from antioxidants and polyphenols, vitamins and minerals, recently began to call superfudge. The prefix super is designed to reserve these products for the first place in the list of your purchases …

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How to quickly get rid of bags under eyes

6 home remedies for bags under the eyes. Bags under the eyes make us less attractive because of them we look more tired and unhealthy. Here are 6 homemade beauty products to get rid of this problem.ladyhealth. Ice cubes. Ice helps reduce the swelling, so it is often used for …

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This fruit is especially useful for hypertensive patients

Experts told about the beneficial properties of dates.A long time all know that the dates are substitute for sugar and used in cooking by those who are watching their figure. Dates – this is not just a treat, this fruits, beneficial properties which are known since ancient times. No wonder …

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Named the best sports for weight loss

Movement is life and beautiful shape. Walking for weight loss One of the best ways to get rid of extra pounds is a quick walk away. That is, energetic and fast! If you walk slowly and calmly, it will not give the desired result. Walking is good because there is …

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These symptoms indicate a deficiency

We cannot ignore them. How to understand that you have a vitamin deficiency and not enough vitamins? Read below 7 symptoms. The season of transition between summer and autumn can be accompanied by vitamin deficiency, lack of strength and apathy. We’ll show you how to understand that you have a …

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