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How to withdraw excess water from the body

Excess water in the body is a big part of excess weight, and necessary to remove it from the body Well, first don’t need to eat a lot of salt, second, you need to drink more water, then the body doesn’t keep excess water. Of course, it is desirable to …

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Is allergic good for the brain

Scientists believe that the Allergy affects the immune systemScientists s Institute of molecular regenerative medicine, Salzburg, Austria found that allergic to vegetation enhances memory and helps the brain to produce new cells. The results of the study specialists were published in the journal Frontiers in Cellular Science. In the experiment, …

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What is the use of tomato juice for skin

Tomato juice has a high percentage of nutrients that are very beneficial for the skin In a number of useful properties for the skin tomato juice include its ability to lighten the skin, balance pH, tighten pores, heal burns and acne and reduce inflammation. Use tomato juice for healthy skin …

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What to do if swollen feet

To reduce the severity of edema of the ankles and feet experts recommend simple methods. It is known that for many swollen ankle and foot can cause discomfort and pain. This condition is characterized by the accumulation of excess fluid in body tissues. Sometimes swollen, sensitive to touch the area …

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Heavy metal harmful to the psyche of teenagers

Scientists from Australia have warned that some types of music cause problems with mental health and development of adolescents. Experts found a link between listening to heavy metal and the emergence of anxiety symptoms in teenagers aged 13-18 years. Teenagers listening to heavy metal, depressive and suicidal moods to a …

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What are the risks of a sedentary lifestyle

Without exercises tone the cardiovascular system is reduced, especially the heart and lungs. According to research from Duke University Medical Center, a sedentary lifestyle leads to an increase in visceral fat that accumulates around internal organs, mostly stomach. The study showed a 8.6% increase in visceral fat in only six …

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Smile prolongs life

Due to the positive emotions the body actively produces hormones, that improve the heart, immune system and blood vessels. In research conducted by psychologists, volunteers participated. The researchers asked these volunteers to share 230 photographs, which depicted players of major League baseball USA 1952, according to the degree of openness …

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The honey will help for healthy joints

Healthy recipes for jointsThese tools are very effective in helping to cope with the ailments caused by high salt content in the body. Honey infusion from pain in the jointsHoney – 300 g, lemon – 250 g parsley roots – 250 grams, grass, parsley – 150 g Cooking. Roots and …

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These 5 treats will prolong your life

In the struggle for eternal youth is not necessary to torture yourself with diets and exercise. All the nice either bad, or immoral? Not at all! The researchers found that the simple pleasures – great food, wine, sex can be as beneficial to the body. Fresh fruit improves memory One …

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Prostatitis: symptoms and treatment

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. Inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis) is one of the most common male pathologies. Most often this disease develops at the age from twenty to forty years. Prostatitis is manifested by painful sensations in the perineum during urination and ejaculation, and sexual …

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