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The honey will help for healthy joints

Мед поможет для здоровья суставовHealthy recipes for joints

These tools are very effective in helping to cope with the ailments caused by high salt content in the body.

Honey infusion from pain in the joints

Honey – 300 g, lemon – 250 g parsley roots – 250 grams, grass, parsley – 150 g

Cooking. Roots and parsley rinse under running water. Cut lemon, remove seeds, peel not separate. Then all the mince, add honey and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass.

Application. Take 1 tbsp 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. Then take a break for 1-2 weeks and repeat.
It is recommended to spend at least 3 treatment.

Honey tincture with the leaves of burdock

The leaves of burdock, cut in may – as required honey – 2 glasses, 40 % ethyl alcohol – 2 cups.

Cooking. Burdock leaves rinse thoroughly and gently dry on a towel, then mince, wrap in cheesecloth and squeeze juice (you should get 0.5 l). To pour it (250 ml) in a separate glass jars with a capacity of 0.7 l. Add 1 Cup of honey and alcohol, and then mix thoroughly. One can put them in the fridge and the other in a cool place in the room for 1 week. The contents of the “room” banks should be regularly stirred.

Application. The resulting tool, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. When the “room” of the Bank is empty, you should take a break.
Treatment is recommended to start in the spring, in this case, the repeat rate (second Bank) will be in late autumn.
This tool helps with joint pain caused by deposition of salts. The positive effect is noticeable even in advanced cases in the elderly.

Honey and raisins from joint pain

Honey – 1 kg raisins – 1 kg.

Application. On the first day to eat 1 tbsp. of honey in the morning 2 hours before eating, and the next day – 1 handful of raisins too, for 2 hours before eating. Continue to alternate the honey and raisins, until they run out.

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