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These 5 treats will prolong your life

Эти 5 удовольствий продлят вашу жизньIn the struggle for eternal youth is not necessary to torture yourself with diets and exercise.

All the nice either bad, or immoral? Not at all! The researchers found that the simple pleasures – great food, wine, sex can be as beneficial to the body.

Fresh fruit improves memory

One of the most delicious diet – Mediterranean – improves memory and is an excellent prevention of dementia (senile dementia). These are the results of long-term observations of scientists from the Centre for human psychopharmacology at Melbourne University. That is gratifying: to achieve the healing effect, not necessarily to live in the Mediterranean region. Regularly eat fresh fruits and vegetables, salads with vegetable oil and fish.

Red wine and chocolate can save you from Alzheimer’s

About the benefits of red wine in moderation has long been known. Useful make it a substance resveratrol, which contains such Goodies as dark chocolate, raspberries and red grapes. A recent study at the medical center at Georgetown University have discovered new properties of this substance the protection against inflammatory processes in the brain and improve cognitive functions (i.e. memory, attention, intelligence). It turned out that resveratrol does not penetrate into the brain unwanted destructive beta-amyloid proteins, which can exacerbate the inflammation and kill the neurons. This is what happens in Alzheimer’s disease – the mass death of neurons and formation of beta-amyloid lesions. The products that contain resveratrol, help to avoid this.

Coffee as cancer prevention

Can relieved exhale and coffee lovers. Scientists from the University of York sure: coffee is a kind of charging for the heart. And even transferred heart attack not a reason to refuse a drink. However, as with wine, you need a moderation: to recharge your motor, only two cups of coffee. A study of the University of southern California is directly linked coffee with cancer of the colon and rectum – have coffee lovers the risk of this type of cancer on the quarter below.

Sleep – together!

When you sleep together with your lover, don’t you just pleasure yourself and your partner. Researchers from middle East technical University in Turkey examined the sleeping couples and singles, and came to the conclusion that the best remedy against insomnia is to sleep together. The presence of a loved person gives a sense of protection and peace of mind, and therefore fall asleep easily and quickly.

By the way, a good sleep is the key to a happy marriage. People slept positive, turn a blind eye to the failures of your partner, less offended. Those who suffer from insomnia, the level of glucose in the blood drops sharply. The man gets up in the morning angry and irritable, unprepared to compromise. And maybe in the evening, he goes to sleep in another room providing the Insomniac.

Love getting smarter

Contrary to popular belief, love is not stupid, quite the contrary. Chinese scientists have conducted a series of experiments and found: the brain of a man who loves and love is much more intense, and aktiviziruyutsya areas responsible for learning and motivation. A little less, but still active and the brain of those who are experiencing unhappy love. But the people who love the excitement was alien to all areas of the brain were equally moderate. So, it turns out, one of the most effective ways results in studies or career is to fall in love.

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