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What to do if swollen feet

Что нужно делать, если отекают ногиTo reduce the severity of edema of the ankles and feet experts recommend simple methods.

It is known that for many swollen ankle and foot can cause discomfort and pain. This condition is characterized by the accumulation of excess fluid in body tissues. Sometimes swollen, sensitive to touch the area of the feet can become wider than normal diameter and to cause a deterioration of motor functions. There are various reasons for this condition that should be immediately diagnosed by a doctor, since some swelling may indicate the development of serious diseases.

Among the most common reasons for the flow off of the ankle joint and foot specialists consider the trauma to the ankles, pregnancy, congestive heart failure, obesity, osteoarthritis, liver cirrhosis, deep vein thrombosis etc.

In addition to the visible increase in the volume of the legs, experts say, the secondary symptoms of this condition that must be considered when determining the causes of swollen feet. Some of these symptoms can include high blood pressure, swelling of the hands or wrists, eyes, weight gain, headaches etc.

To reduce the severity of edema of the ankles and feet experts recommend the techniques described below.

1. Reducing salt intake. It is known that excess of the receipts of salt promotes water retention in the body. Excessive amount of it often accumulates in the region of the ankles and feet, causing swelling. It is important to note that the reduction in the consumption of salty foods have a positive impact on the health of the cardiovascular system.

2. Massage. Gentle rubbing of the swollen phase can effectively reduce the severity of swelling in the ankles and feet, since the massaging in the area of the body improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of inflammatory reactions, which often arise due to injuries or sprains.

3. The position of the feet. Elevation of the legs above the head helps to reduce fluid accumulation in the legs and ankles. Experts recommend while sleeping to put a pillow under the lower limb.

4. Yoga. Yoga, as we know, contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the body to improve hormonal levels and blood circulation. In addition, yoga classes are an effective way of increasing physical activity level, strengthening muscles and developing flexibility, which in turn can help to alleviate the symptoms of swelling of feet and ankles.

5. Compression socks. The use of a special-fitting socks or knee socks is able to reduce fluid accumulation in the legs and ankles. Experts recommend to pay special attention to the use of such socks pregnant.

6. Parsley. According to some reports, parsley has a diuretic effect. Adding parsley in your daily diet, it is possible to increase the natural diuresis and thereby reduce the accumulation of excess fluid in the body.

7. Physical activity. It is known that physical exercise can normalize blood circulation in the body, thereby reducing fluid accumulation in the lower extremities. Experts say that often due to weak functioning of the cardiovascular system decreases the efficiency of blood pumping from the legs, which leads to their swelling. Therefore, regular Jogging or physical exercise with lifting the legs above heart level is very important for individuals with leg swelling.

8. Grapefruit essential oil. According to some, grapefruit oil have anti-inflammatory properties and can be used as a Supplement in the treatment of edema feet. To achieve results, experts recommend adding a few drops of the oil in a warm foot bath or cream to be rubbed directly into the swollen region.

9. Salt bath for the feet. Holding salt baths for the feet several times a week, according to many specialists, helps to reduce the severity of edema, relieve the pain and discomfort.

10. Dandelion. The active ingredients of the dandelion, such as polyphenols, flavonoids and potassium, can increase diuresis, thus withdraw excess water from the body before it can accumulate in the legs.

11. Rose. The fruit of this plant has a strong diuretic effect. In addition, the flowers and leaves contain active substances possessing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Therefore, when using supplements containing rose hips, you can reduce the severity of swelling in the feet and ankles.

12. Smoking. Experts say that Smoking affects the circulatory system and reduces the efficiency of blood pumping from the extremities of the body. Smoking cessation also reduces the risk of obesity, heart failure, diabetes, and a number of other causes swelling of feet and ankles.

13. Swimming. Exercise swimming can be an effective way for the treatment of swelling of the foot as the lower extremities are under stress, as well as normal cardiovascular system. If you can’t perform other physical exercises, such as Jogging, swimming can be a more appropriate form of physical activity for individuals with edema of the legs.

14. Drinking adequate amount of water. A balanced intake of water and foods that contain salt, can normalize the process of urination and the fluid level in the body. Appropriate intake of water also helps eliminate toxins and improve various systems of the body.

15. Magnesium. It is known that a magnesium deficiency is often observed in elderly people with insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease and osteoporosis. In addition, according to some, supplementation with magnesium positively influences the kidneys in individuals with chronic edema. Experts recommend to add to the diet of foods with a high content of magnesium, such as spinach, nuts, whole grains, fish and avocado.

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