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In the women’s dislike of the sport to blame evolution

В женской нелюбви к спорту виновата эволюцияScientists have explained why women don’t like sports.

Specialists have found that physical activity of man inherent evolution – ancient man went to the rival one-on-one, and the women won as his complaisance, and quantity.

According to the research of American scientists, the love of sport inherent in the very nature of man was formed in the days of ancient tribes.

So, the journal Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences published an article-the study, researchers from the University of Grand valley in Allendale (USA) about what evolution has shaped men’s tendency to compete with others, whereas women are more likely to go to the contact and prefer to cooperate”. From here and not love the weaker sex” to the sport. They just didn’t need to be in physical shape to defeat opponents.

To such conclusion experts have come after reviewing hundreds of scientific papers devoted to the participation of women and men in different sports disciplines and examining a number of hypotheses to explain the “sport” differences between the sexes.

“Anciently, men had to show their hunting skills and compete with individuals of their own sex, while women were peculiar complaisance, gentleness and the absence of conflict”, – notes the edition. Besides, women could “take” of most, and not as a man, meeting the enemy one-on-one.

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