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The air disappeared from the periodic table?

Эфир исчез из таблицы Менделеева?

Officially taught in schools and Universities table of chemical elements of Mendeleev – counterfeit. When Stalin studied the original table. Mendeleev himself in the work entitled “an Attempt of chemical understanding of the world ether” gave a slightly different table (Polytechnic Museum, Moscow):

Эфир исчез из таблицы Менделеева?

Last time in an undistorted view of the real periodic table was published in 1906 in St. Petersburg (the textbook “Fundamentals of chemistry”, eighth edition).

Эфир исчез из таблицы Менделеева?

The differences can be seen: the zero group moved to the 8th, and element lighter than hydrogen, with which to begin the table and which is conventionally called Newtonian (ether) – are generally excluded.

This same table immortalized “BLOODY TYRANT” tov. Stalin in Saint-Petersburg, Moskovsky prospect 19. VNIIM im. D. I. Mendeleev (all-Russian research Institute of Metrology)

Monument-the table Periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev made a mosaic under the guidance of Professor of the Academy of arts of V. A. Frolov (architectural design Krichevsky) . The basis of the monument is the table from the last lifetime of the 8th edition (1906 ) of the principles of chemistry of D. I. Mendeleev. Items that have been shared during the life of Mendeleev is marked in red. Elements, open from 1907 to 1934 , is indicated in blue.

The height of the monument-the table is 9 m. the total area of 69 sq. m

Эфир исчез из таблицы Менделеева?


Why and how did it happen that we so blatantly and openly lying?

The place and role of the world ether in true table of D. I. Mendeleev

1. Suprema lex salus populi

Many have heard about Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev and open them in the 19th century (1869) “the Periodic law of change of properties of chemical elements in groups and rows” (author’s title of the table “Periodic system of elements in groups and rows”).

Many have heard also that Mendeleev was the organizer and the permanent head (1869-1905) was the Russian public scientific Association under the name “Russian Chemical Society” (1872 — “the Russian Physico-Chemical Society”), published during its existence, the world famous magazine ERPHO, up to the time of the dissolution of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1930 and Society, and its journal.


But few are those who know that Mendeleev was one of the last world-famous Russian scientists of the end of the 19th century who fought in the world of science the idea of the ether as the substantial essence of the world, who gave it a fundamental scientific and practical importance in uncovering the mysteries of Life and to improve the economic lives of the people.

Even fewer of those who knows that after the sudden (!!?) the death of D. I. Mendeleev (27.01.1907), then recognized as distinguished scientist by all scientific communities around the world but one only of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences, his most important discovery — “the Periodic law” — was deliberately falsified and throughout the world of academic science.

And that very few of those who know that all of the above is connected together by a thread of sacrificial service the best representatives and media immortal Russian Physical Thoughts to the welfare of the people, the common good, against the growing wave of irresponsibility in the higher strata of society of the time.

In essence, the full development of the thesis and the subject of this thesis, because in true science, any neglect of essential factors always leads to false results.

So— the question: why do scientists lie?

2. Psy-faktor: ni foi, ni loi

It is only now, with the end of the 20th century, society begins to understand (and then timidly) on practical examples of what an outstanding and highly qualified, but irresponsible, cynical, immoral scientist with “world” no less dangerous to people than outstanding, but immoral politician, soldier, lawyer, or at best — “outstanding” the bandit on the road.

Society has instilled the idea that the world of academic scientific environment is the caste of the gods, the monks of the Holy fathers that day and night concerned about the welfare of the people. But mere mortals should just look in the mouth of their benefactors, submissive by funding and implementing all of their “scientific” projects, predictions, and prescriptions for the rebuilding of his public and private life.

In fact, the criminal element in the global scientific community, no less than among those politicians. In addition, criminal, anti-social acts of politicians are often seen immediately, but criminal and harmful, but “scientifically based” activity “prominent” and “respected” scientists recognized by the society not once, but over the years, if not decades, in their own “social skin”.

We continue to further our exploration of this extremely interesting (and secret!) psychophysiological factors of scientific activity (call it conditionally ” psi factor), which a posteriori turns out the unexpected (?!) negative result: “we wanted the best for people, but it turned out as always, that is to the detriment”. After all, in science a negative result is also a result, of course require a comprehensive scientific understanding.

Considering the correlation between the psi factor and the target function (UTF) state funding authority, we come to a curious conclusion: the so-called pure, most science of the past centuries to the present time have degenerated into the caste of untouchables, i.e. in a closed box of courtiers healers, brilliantly mastered the science of deception, brilliantly wielding the science of the persecution of dissidents and science servitude to their powers financiers.

It should be borne in mind that, firstly, all the so-called “civilized countries” of their so-called “national Academy of Sciences” formally have the status of state organizations with the rights of the leading scientific expert body of the government concerned. Secondly, all these of the national Academy of Sciences United into a single rigid hierarchical structure (the true names which the world knows) that produces the same for all of the national academies of Sciences strategy in the world and the single so-called scientific paradigm, the core of which is not the disclosure of the regularities of existence, and psi-factor: performing as “courtiers healers” so called “scientific” cover (for solidity) of all the nefarious acts of those in power in the eyes of society, to acquire the glory of the priests and the prophets, impact like the demiurge in the direction of motion of human history.

All of the foregoing in this section, including the term “psi-factor”, it was with great precision, is reasonably predicted by Mendeleev more than 100 years ago (see, for example, his analytical article of 1882, “What is the Academy needed in Russia?”, in which Dmitri Ivanovich actually gives a detailed description of the psi-factor and in which they were offered a program of radical reorganization of a closed scientific Corporation member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Academy considered only as a feeder to satisfy their selfish interests.

In one of his letters 100 years ago the Professor of the Kiev University P. Alekseev, D. I. Mendeleev frankly admitted that “even prepared himself to burn incense to the hell to smoke, otherwise, say, to the foundations of the Academy to transform into something new, the Russian, its suitable for all in General and, in particular, to the scientific movement in Russia”.

As we can see, a truly great scientist, citizen and patriot of his homeland even the most complex long-term scientific predictions.

Let us now consider the historical aspect of the changes in this psi-factor, open Mendeleev in the late 19th century.

3. Fin de siecle

Since the second half of the 19th century in Europe on the wave of “liberalism” there was rapid numerical growth of the intelligentsia, scientific and technical personnel, and the quantitative growth theories, ideas and scientific-technical projects, we offer these frames to our society.

By the end of the 19th century in their environment dramatically intensified the competition for “a place under the Sun”, i.e. the titles, honours and awards, and as a result of this competition intensified polarisation of researchers on moral criteria. This has contributed to the explosive activation of psi-factor.

The revolutionary enthusiasm of young, ambitious and unscrupulous scientists and intellectuals, intoxicated by his quick learning and eager desire to become famous at any price in the scientific world, paralyzed not only representatives more responsible and more honest range of scientists but the whole scientific community as a whole, with its infrastructure and well-established traditions, which opposed the previously unrestrained growth of the psi-factor.

Intellectuals revolutionaries of the 19th century, the subversives of thrones and the state system in Europe, has extended its gangster methods of ideological and political struggle with the “old order” with bombs, guns, poisons, and incantations) and also in the area of scientific and technological activities. In lecture halls, laboratories and scientific symposia they laughed at the antiquated alleged sanity, supposedly outdated concepts of formal logic — consistency of judgments, their validity. Thus, at the beginning of the 20th century in fashion scientific arguments instead of convictions entered (or rather barged in, squealing and rumbling) method sweeping crackdown on his opponents through mental, physical and moral violence against them. This, of course, the value of the psi-factor reached a very high level, experienced in the 30s its extremum.

In the end, in the early 20th century the “enlightened” intelligentsia, actually forced, i.e., revolutionary, replaced by a truly scientific paradigm of humanism, enlightenment and public use in the natural Sciences for their permanent paradigm relativism, giving it a pseudo-scientific form of the theory of General relativity (cynicism!).

The first paradigm was based on the experience and its comprehensive evaluation for the search for truth, the search and comprehension of objective laws of nature. The second paradigm focused on the hypocrisy and unprincipled; and not to search for objective laws of nature, for their selfish group interests to the detriment of society. The first paradigm worked for the common good, while the second is not expected.

Since 30-ies of the present psi-factor stabilized, remaining on the order of magnitude higher than its value, which was in the early and mid-19th century.

For a more objective and precise assessment of real, not mythical, the contribution of the activities of the global scientific community (in the face of the national academies of science) in public and private life of people, we introduce the concept of normalized psi-factor.

The normalized value of the psi-factor is equal to one hundred percent corresponds to the probability of obtaining such a negative result (i.e. of social harm) from the introduction into practice of scientific developments, to declare a priori a positive result (i.e. a specific public benefit) for a single historical time period (the change of one generation, 25 years), in which all of humanity perishes completely or degenerates not more than 25 years since the introduction of a specific unit research programs.

4. Kill with kindness

Cruel and dirty victory of relativism and militant atheism in the minds of the world scientific community at the beginning of the 20th century — the main reason of all troubles human at this “atomic”, “space” century, the so-called “technological progress.” Look back – what we need more proof today to understand the obvious: in the 20th century was not a single public utility acts of the world fellowship of scholars in the field of natural Sciences and the social Sciences which would strengthen the population of Homo sapiens, phylogenetically and moral. And there is just the opposite: ruthless maiming, destruction and the destruction of the psycho-somatic nature of man, healthy way of life and its habitat under various pretexts.

At the beginning of the 20th century all the key positions of academic management research theme, the financing of scientific and technological activities, etc. were occupied by the “brotherhood of like-minded people” who practice dual religion, cynicism and selfishness. This is the drama of our time.

What militant atheism and cynical relativism, through the efforts of its adherents, has entangled the minds of all without exception of senior government officials on our Planet. This double-headed fetish anthropocentrism generated and introduced into the consciousness of millions of so-called scientific concept of “universal principle of the degradation of matter-energy”, i.e. the universal dissolution of previously existing — not much as objects in nature. On absolute the fundamental nature of the world the substantial and the environment) was delivered pseudo-scientific Chimera of a universal principle of degradation of energy, with her mythical attributes — the “entropy”.

5. Littera contra littere

According to the ideas of such luminaries of the past as Leibniz, Newton, Torricelli, Lavoisier, Lomonosov, Ostrogradsky, Faraday, Maxwell, Mendeleev, Minds, George. Thomson, Kelvin, Hertz, Pies, Timiryazev, Pavlov, Bekhterev and many others – WORLD ENVIRONMENT – this is the fundamental essence (= substance of the world = global broadcast = all matter of the Universe = “the quintessence of Aristotle), filling the isotropic and residue-free all infinite world space and is the Source and Bearer of all energy in the nature,— indestructible “SIL motion”, “forces of action”.

In contrast, according to the prevailing wisdom in the world of science view, is the absolute fundamental essence proclaimed mathematical fiction “entropy”, and even some “information” which in all seriousness the global academic luminaries recently proclaimed the so-called “Universal fundamental entity, not bothering to give this new expanded term definition.

At first the scientific paradigm — the world is in harmony and eternal order of the Universe, through constant local updates (a series of deaths–births) separate material entities of different scale.

At the pseudoscientific paradigm of the second world inexplicably once created, moves in the abyss of universal degradation, equalization of the temperatures to the universal death under the watchful supervision of a supercomputer of the world, owning and controlling some kind of “information”.

Some see around the celebration of eternal life, and others see around decay and death, controlled by some global information Bank.

The struggle between these two diametrically opposed ideological concepts for dominance in the minds of millions of people — the Central point of the biography of humanity. And rate this fight higher.

And it is no coincidence that the entire 20th century the global scientific establishment is busy with the introduction of (supposedly as the only possible and promising fuel energy, theory of explosives, poisons, and synthetic drugs, toxic substances, genetic engineering with cloning bio-robots, with the degeneration of the human race to the level of primitive mental retardation, down’s syndrome and sociopaths. And these programs and plans are now not even hiding from the public.

The truth is: the most prosperous and powerful on a global scale by human activities created in the 20th century by the last word of scientific thought were: a porn , drug , farm business, the arms trade, including the global information and psychotronic technology. Their share of world total of all financial flows considerably exceed 50%.

Next. Obezobrazit 1.5 century nature on the Ground of the global academic fraternity rushing now to “colonize” and “conquer” near-earth space, having intentions and research projects of the transformation of this space in a garbage dump their “high” technology. These gentlemen-academicians literally bursting with coveted satanic ideas to manage and in the solar space, not only on Earth.

Thus, the basis of the paradigm of the academic world of the brotherhood of Freemasons laid the stone extremely subjective idealism (anthropocentrism), and the building of their so-called scientific paradigm rests on the permanent and cynical relativism and militant atheism.

But the pace of true progress enduring. And, as all life on Earth reaches for the Sun and the mind of a certain part of contemporary scholars and scientists, are not burdened by the clan interests of world brotherhood, reaches up to the sun of eternal Life, the eternal movement in the Universe through the cognition of fundamental truths of Existence and the search for the main objective function of the existence and evolution of species xomo sapiens.

Now, having considered the nature of the psi-factor, let us Table of Dmitry Mendeleev.

6. Argumentum ad rem

What is now presented in schools and universities called “the Periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleyev”— an outright fake.

Last time in an undistorted view of the real periodic table was published in 1906 in St. Petersburg (the textbook “Fundamentals of chemistry”, eighth edition).

And only after 96 years of neglect the real periodic table first rises from the ashes thanks to the publication of this thesis JRFM in the journal of the Russian Physical Society.

Genuine, unadulterated table of D. I. Mendeleev

“The periodic system of elements in groups and rows”

(D. I. Mendeleev. The basics of chemistry. VIII edition, SPb., 1906)


After the sudden death of D. I. Mendeleev and care of the lives of his faithful scientific colleagues at the Russian Physical-Chemical Society for the first time raised his hand to the immortal creation of Mendeleev – the son of a friend and colleague of D. I. Mendeleev Society — Boris Menshutkin. Of course, that Boris Yeltsin, too, did not act alone — he only carried out the order. After all, the new paradigm of relativism demanded a rejection of the idea of the world ether; therefore, this requirement was raised to the rank of dogma, and the work of D. I. Mendeleev were falsified.

The main distortion of Table – moving “zero group” of the Table in its end, to the right, and the introduction of the so-called “periods”. We emphasize that such (only at first glance — harmless) manipulation logically explainable only as a conscious elimination of the main methodological element in the discovery of Mendeleev periodic system of elements in its beginning, the source, i.e. in the upper left corner of the Table should have zero group and zero series, where the element “X” (according to Mendeleev — “Nutone”, i.e. the global broadcast.

Moreover, as the only element in the backbone of the entire Table derived elements, this element “x” is the argument of the entire periodic Table. The transfer of the zero group of the Table in the end destroys the very idea of this fundamental principle the entire system of elements by Mendeleev.

To confirm the above, give a word to the D. I. Mendeleev.

“If analogues of argon at all do not give connections, it is obvious that you cannot include any of the groups previously known elements, and for them should open special group zero… It is the position of the argon analogs in the zero group is a strictly logical consequence of the understanding of the periodic law, and therefore (the room in the group VIII is clearly not true) made not only me, but also Brainera, Piccini, and other…

Now, when it was not subject to the slightest doubt that before the I group in which to put the hydrogen, there are zero group, whose members have weights of atoms less than that of group I elements, it seems to me impossible to deny the existence of elements lighter than hydrogen.

Of them pay attention first to the element of the first row of the 1st group. It meaning that “y”. He, obviously, will belong to fundamental properties of the argon gas… “Koroni”, a density of the order of 0.2 relative to hydrogen; and it cannot be in any way a world ether. This element is “u”, however, is necessary in order to mentally get close to that main, and therefore the most fast moving item “x” which, according to my understanding, it is possible to consider the aether. I would like to pre-call it “Newtonium” — in honour of immortal Newton ” … the Problem of gravitation and objectives across the energy (!!!) it is impossible to imagine really solved without a real understanding of aether as the world environment, transmitting energy at a distance. Real understanding of ether it is impossible to achieve, ignoring his chemism and apart from its basic substance” (“an Attempt of chemical understanding of the world of the ether.” 1905, p. 27).


“These elements, the magnitude of their atomic weights, occupied the exact place between the halogenated alkaline metals, as shown by Ramsay in 1900. Of these elements need to form a special zero group first in 1900 and recognized Errera in Belgium. I think there is useful to add that right judging by failing to compounds of zero group elements, analogs of argon should be put before (!!!) elements of the 1st group and in the spirit of the periodic system to wait for them a smaller atomic weight than alkaline metals.

It turned out well. And if so, this circumstance, on the one hand, serves as a confirmation of the correctness of periodical began and, on the other hand, clearly shows the attitude of analogues of argon to other, previously known elements. As a result, you can parse the beginning to make even wider than before, and to wait for the elements of the zero row with the atomic weights is much smaller than that of hydrogen

Thus, it is possible to show that in the first row first before hydrogen, there is a zero element of the group with an atomic weight of 0.4 (maybe it’s koroni of Long), and row zero at the zero group — limit element with very low atomic weight, are not able to chemical interactions and has due to the fact extremely fast own partial (gas) movement.

These properties may be, shall ascribe to the atoms pervasive (!!!) the world ether. The thought of it provided by me in the Preface to this edition and in the Russian journal article of 1902 …“ (“principles of chemistry”. VIII, ed. 1906, p. 613 et seq.).


7. Punctum soliens

These quotes definitely implies the following.

1. Elements of zero group are beginning each a number of other elements located in the left part of the Table, “…it is strictly logical consequence of the understanding of the periodic law — Mendeleev.

2. Particularly important and even exceptional in the sense of the periodic law of the place belongs to the element “x”,— “Newtonia,” the world ether. And located this particular item needs at the beginning of the entire Table, in the so-called “zero group of the zero row.” Moreover, being a backbone element (or more precisely — the backbone entity) all of the elements of the periodic Table, the world ether is a substantial argument the variety of elements of the periodic Table. The table in this regard, acts as a closed functionality of the argument.

We now turn to the writings of the first falsifiers of the periodic Table.

8. Corpus delicti

To erase from the minds of all subsequent generations of scientists the idea of the exceptional role of the world live (and it just required a new paradigm of relativism), was specially transferred elements of the zero group from the left side of the periodic Table to the right side, shifting to a number below the respective elements and aligning the zero group with the so-called “eighth”. Of course, neither element” or element “x” in the counterfeit table space left.

But this was not enough the fellowship of the relativists. Exactly the opposite distorted the basic idea of D. I. Mendeleev about the particularly important role world live. In particular, in the Preface to the first adulterated version of the Periodic law of D. I. Mendeleev, not at all embarrassed, B. M. Menshutkin claims that Mendeleev allegedly always opposed the special role of the world live in natural processes. Here is an excerpt from the unmatched cynicism of article B. N. Menshutkin:

“Thus (?!) we come back to that view, against which (?!) always (?!!!) were D. I. Mendeleev, which from ancient times existed among philosophers, who considered all visible and known materials and bodies composed of the same primary substance of the Greek philosophers (“pataula Greek philosophers prima materia – Roman). This hypothesis has always found his followers because of its simplicity and in the teachings of philosophers were called the hypothesis of the unity of matter or the hypothesis of a unitary matter. (B. N. Menshutkin. “D. I. Mendeleev. The periodic law”. Edited and with an article about the current situation of the periodic law B. N. Menshutkin. State Publishing House, M—L., 1926).


9. In rerum natura

Assessing the views of D. I. Mendeleev and his unscrupulous opponents, it is necessary to note the following.

Most likely, unwittingly Mendeleev was wrong in that the “global broadcast” is an “elementary substance” (i.e. “chemical element” in the modern sense of the term). Most likely, the “global broadcast” is a true substance; and as such, in the strict sense — not a “substance”; and it does not have “elementary chemistry” i.e. has a very small atomic weight” with “extremely fast self partial movement”

Let Mendeleev was wrong in “reality”, “chemistry”. In the end, it is a terminological blunder of the great scholar; and in his time it is excusable, for then, these terms were still quite blurred, only entering the scientific revolution. But it is clear something else: Dmitry Ivanovich was absolutely right in saying that “global broadcast” all this forms the essence— the quintessence, the substance that makes up the whole world of things (physical world) and in which all real education reside. The rights of Dmitry Ivanovich, and that this substance transmits the energy at a distance and has no chemical activity. The latter fact confirms our idea that the Mendeleev consciously identified the element “x” as the exclusive entity.

So, the “world ether”, i.e. the substance of the Universe, is isotropic, has a partial structure, and is absolute (i.e. the ultimate, fundamental, fundamental universal) entity of the Universe, of the Universe. And because, as correctly noted by D. I. Mendeleev, is a world ether “is not able to chemical interactions, and therefore is not “chemical element”, i.e. “basic substance” in the modern sense of these terms.

Rights was Dmitry Ivanovich, and that the world ether is a carrier of energy over distances. Say more: the world ether as the substance of the World, not only the carrier but also the “guardian” and “the media” of all types of energy (“force action”) in nature.

From time immemorial Mendeleev was echoed by another eminent scientist Torricelli (1608 — 1647): “Energy is the quintessence of such a fine nature that it cannot be contained in any other vessel as soon as in the most secret substance of material things”.

So, Mendeleev and Torricelli world live is THE INMOST SUBSTANCE of MATERIAL THINGS.

That is why Mendeleev “Newtony” — not just in the zero range the zero group of the periodic system, and this is a kind of “CROWN” his entire table of chemical elements. Crown that forms all chemical elements in the world, i.e. all matter. This Crown (“mother”, “Matter substance” any substance) has a Natural environment that is driven and motivated to change — according to our calculations, another (second) the absolute essence, which we call “the Substantial flow of the primary fundamental information about the forms and ways of movement of Matter in the Universe.” Read more about this in the journal “Russian Thought”, 1-8, 1997, p. 28-31.

The mathematical symbol of the world, we chose “O”, zero, and semantic – “the FOLD”. In turn, the mathematical symbol of the Substantial flow we have chosen “1”, unit, semantic — ONE. Thus, on the basis of the above symbols, it becomes possible to concisely Express in one mathematical expression, the set of all possible shapes and modes of motion of matter in nature:

{O 1}

This expression mathematically defines the so-called open interval; the intersection of two sets — the set of “On” and set to “1”, while the semantic definition of this expression — “ONE IN the FOLD,” or else: the Substantial flow of primary fundamental information about the forms and ways of movement of Matter-substance completely penetrates the material-substance, i.e. the global broadcast.

In the religious doctrines of this “open interval” clothed in the shape of the universal act of creation by God of all matter in the World of Matter-substance, with Which He continuously is in a state of fruitful copulation.

The author of this article is aware that this mathematical construction was at the time inspired him again, as not strange, ideas unforgettable D. I. Mendeleev, contained in his works (see, for example, the article “an Attempt of chemical understanding of the world ether”).

Now it is time to summarize our research described in this thesis.

10. Errata: ferro et igni

Peremptory and cynical disregard for the world of science the place and role of the world live in natural processes (in the periodic Table!) just gave birth to a whole range of problems of humanity in our technocratic age.

Chief among these challenges is fuel and energy.

It is the neglect of the role of the world live allows scientists to make false (and wicked at the same time) the conclusion, if to produce useful energy for its daily needs of the person can only burning, i.e. irreversibly destroying substance (fuel). Hence the false thesis about the absence of the current fuel energy a real alternative. And if so, what remains, ostensibly, only one thing: spawn atomic (environmentally the dirtiest!) energy and gas-oil-coal-extraction, clogging and poisoning immensely private environment.

It is the neglect of the role of the world of the ether pushes all modern scientists on the sly search for “salvation” in the splitting of atoms and elementary particles in special expensive synchrotron accelerators. During these monstrous and extremely dangerous experiments you want to find and continue to use the alleged “benefit” of so-called “quark-gluon plasma”, their false ideas — like “pre-matter” (a term nuclear scientists themselves) according to their cosmological theories about the so-called “Big Bang Universe”.

Worthy of remark, according to our calculations, if this so-called “greatest dream of all modern nuclear physicists” inadvertently reached, it will be most likely man-made END of ALL LIFE ON EARTH AND the END of the PLANET EARTH— truly the “Big Bang” on a global scale, but not for fun and for real.

So you need as quickly as possible to stop this insane experimentation in the world of academic science, which from head to toe affected with poison, psi-factor, and which seem to not even imagine the possible catastrophic consequences of their insane parascientific inventions.

Rights were D. I. Mendeleev, “the Problem of gravity and task of the whole energy cannot be represented realistically solved without a real understanding of aether as the world environment, transmitting energy over distances”.

Rights were D. I. Mendeleev, and that someday would guess that handing the Affairs of this industry to the persons living it does not lead to the best consequences, although to listen to such persons prapratno”.

“The main meaning is that the interests of the common, the eternal and lasting is often not coincide with personal and temporary, and often contradict one another, and, in my opinion, it is necessary to prefer — if you can’t reconcile — first, not the second. In this drama of our time”. D. I. Mendeleev. “Thought to cognition of Russia”. 1906

So, the world ether is a substance of ANY chemical element and means ANY substance, there is an Absolute true matter as the world elementarray Essence.

World-ether is the source and crown of all true of the periodic Table, its beginning and end, the alpha and omega of the Periodic system of elements, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev.

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