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In the United States proved the harmlessness of GMOs

В США доказали безвредность ГМОIn the United States announced the complete safety of genetically modified products.

In the United States was presented the official report of the Board of the National Academy of Sciences, technology and medicine, United States.

The Commission was unable to find any evidence of GMO harm to human health. In addition, the negative impact was not observed and the environment: genetically modified organisms does not violate the biodiversity, and in some cases even contributed to the diversity of insect species.

Transfer of modified genes to wild plants has also not been convicted of anything dangerous. Although such situations are not excluded, they do not lead to any significant consequences.

This study questioned the significant economic benefits for farmers. Although GM and make a large profit from agriculture, their use entails the necessity of additional training costs and infrastructure, which may neutralize the benefit.

It is also noted that the border between the varieties produced by traditional breeding or using genetic modifications becomes indistinguishable as they are crossing, which may require changes to the labelling standards and security checks.

Although the 420-page report was published by the National Academy of Sciences, technology and medicine United States, in its preparation, also attended the Committee on genetically modified crops, Board on agriculture and natural resources and the Department for the study of Earth and life.

For its preparation, a group of researchers had to study more than 900 scientific publications over the last three decades, as well as read the comments and public organizations to hold a series of meetings with experts.

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