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Healthy habits that harm the health

Полезные привычки, которые вредят здоровьюWash every day with soap and to clean their teeth is not good

As a rule, our habits can be attributed to the harmful or useful. And no one doubts that Smoking is harmful, but exercise in the morning — very useful.

But it turns out that there are habits that most people consider healthy, but actually they are harmful to our body. On them we talked to the experts.


If overused hygiene, you can amass a lot of problems. “In particular, a daily hot shower with soap and other means is very harmful to the skin because it deprives it of the protective fatty sheath, — says Oksana Techlivez. — Hot water is much accusive the skin, and aggressive cleaners damage it. The result is dryness, peeling and cracks through which can penetrate a variety of infections. Also flushing the top layer impairs the synthesis of vitamin D in the body. But if every day used antibacterial soap, maybe even develop a goiter skin disease with painful itching, horrible-looking rash and focal inflammation”.
What to do. If you can’t do without a daily shower, give preference to cool water and do not use detergents. They are necessary locally in areas of sweating: armpits, private parts, hands and feet.


Many people believe that the more we sleep the better our body is resting. “In fact, oversleeping can be harmful, as well as lack of sleep. In particular, sleeping more than 8 hours can cause malfunctions in the brain. As a result the person feels sluggish and not thinking, — says Alexey Maximenko. — But lack of sleep leads to exhaustion. If a person does not sleep for three more days, he will begin wild headaches, pressure fluctuations, hallucinations, disorientation in time and space. If the sleep debt is accumulated every day, this effort is primarily on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, reduced immunity and increased pressure, can worsen chronic diseases.”
What to do. The duration of sleep for an adult should be about 8 hours: it was during this time the body has time to recover. If I want to sleep more, need to be examined, because drowsiness may be a symptom of chronic disease.


It seems there is nothing better than a sweet dream after a hearty lunch. “However, the afternoon NAP may have unfavorable consequences, especially if you are overweight. When a person goes to sleep, his body starts to lay calories in reserve instead of burning them. Thus, sleep after a hearty meal, no matter where, immediately after lunch or dinner will lead to weight gain, ” says Alexey Maximenko. — Also, don’t forget about a healthy duration of sleep: if you slept eight hours a day feel very tired, it may indicate a malfunction of the body.”
What to do. Don’t relax immediately after a heavy meal. If you want to take a NAP in the afternoon, before you go for a 20 minute walk to the calories had to spend.


There are two types of breathing — thoracic and abdominal, also referred to as superficial and deep, respectively. The first chest expands by raising the ribs, but the second involves the abdominal muscles. Most people, especially women, because of their anatomic peculiarities of the breathing Breasts — and doing the wrong thing. “When the abdominal type of breathing is better ventilated lungs, and, consequently, the blood receives more oxygen, — says Alexey Maximenko. — At the same time chest breathing restricts the flow of blood to the lungs in their lower part, which is worse than other organs and even the brain.
What to do. In abdominal breathing, we turn, without noticing it, during exercise, but you can learn to breathe properly constantly. This will help one exercise. Every morning on an empty stomach, go to the balcony and do the following: on the inhale, draw the belly, and exhale to inflate. Try to breathe deeply, but less frequently. Over time, abdominal breathing will become a habit. In addition, the retraction of the abdomen is helpful: massage internal organs, improves blood flow to the intestines, which can solve the problem with constipation. By the way, a symptom of incorrect breathing can be a constant weakness and dizziness.


The desire to contain the house in perfect cleanliness can lead to the development of allergies. “Our immune system needs “exercise”. When ingested alien bacteria begins to produce antibodies that are designed to destroy the infection. If a person lives in sanitary conditions, the antibodies produced have nothing to fight, and they start to “eat” its owner, — explains Alexey Maximenko. — In addition, to harm the body and the use of household chemicals. For example, some air fresheners can cause chronic bronchitis.
What to do. Do not try to turn your own house into the sterile area, especially if you have children. It is proven that children who grow up in complete purity, the likelihood of developing allergies is greatly increased. Try to use a minimum of household chemicals, especially aggressive substances, should be used with gloves on.


One can often hear the recommendation to brush your teeth after each meal. To actually do this in any case impossible. Especially immediately after eating acidic fruits and vegetables, drink soda or juice, and indeed after any aggressive food and drinks. The fact that acid softened enamel is easily damaged abrasive active substances of toothpaste.
What to do. After “aggressive” bite rinse mouth rinse, a dental elixir with a content of active fluorine or plain water. If you want to brush your teeth, wait at least half an hour.

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