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Best breathing exercises for recovery

Лучшие дыхательные упражнения для оздоровления The complete breath is the cornerstone for healing.

Full breathing — the most efficient way of breathing, the basis of all proper breathing. Full breathing promotes better ventilation, the movement of energy and oxygen metabolism in the body. This breath will give a great effect, bringing light and the whole body. But before a breath was truly healing, you need two things: a trained diaphragm, able to work well, and healthy capillaries, said the Creator of the famous system of healing Niche, Kazuzo.

Preparatory exercises

Only a trained diaphragm can correctly affect the chest, causing the lungs to stretch in a natural way. Usually we breathe badly from the poor performance of the diaphragm. Training of the diaphragm and to the best effect of respiration will contribute to the following exercises.

Exercise “Boat”

This exercise well trains the diaphragm and prepares her for the most complete implementation of the method of complete breathing. In addition, this exercise prevents hernia and improves the stomach and intestines and reduces the fat on the belly.

Starting position: lie on your back on a hard surface, on the floor, so that the legs were closed, and his hands lay along the body.

Count to four, then lift the straight legs with elongated toes to a height of about 10-15 centimetres from the floor at the same time approximately on the same height lift, snatched from the floor, and the upper part of the body. With straight arms, hands touch the sides of the knees. Are in such position as long as you can, to fatigue. Return to starting position, relax the dog’s muscles and relax. While one time is enough.

The next day, do this exercise twice a day or three, and so on, up to the amount, which will be available to you, but no more than ten. Ensure the surge, not peretrudites the body as excessive stress is harmful.

Set the aperture to master the complete breath, you need to set for the upcoming work and his breathing apparatus. But in order to learn how to breathe correctly, you need to take a breath under mind control. So, before you begin learning the full breathing, we must learn to understand the process of respiration.

Exercise “breath Awareness”

Starting position: lie on a hard surface, close your eyes.

Mind Thor inspect every part of your body: feet, shins, thigh, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms, neck, head. Did you notice where any tension, stiffness? Strengthen the tension in this region — and then reset it, move the area of the body where there is tension. So relax all tense areas.

Breathe the way you breathe always. With one difference: you will now observe how you breathe.

First, focus all their attention on the exhalations. Don’t concentrate on the breath and keep only those as you exhale. Here the air slowly escapes from the lungs, up the Airways and fills them with warmth. That warm exhaled air passes through the trachea, larynx, nasopharynx, nasal passages and exits. Watch so carefully and intently 5 breaths, for the breaths are still not paying attention. What’s your impression — how is the air when you exhale from the lungs or from the abdomen, or somewhere else?

Now focus on your breath. Watch closely at how the air enters your body. The air flows through the nose, and you feel some coolness. Further cool the air you breathe, the path is slightly warming, passes through the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea goes to the lungs… how do you feel the air goes into the lungs and there it stops, or you think he goes further into the abdominal cavity and scattered throughout the body? Track so 5 breaths, watching how the nose, Airways, lungs, diaphragm…

Now you know how you breathe. You managed to give attention to your body, listen to it. And this is a very important step to healing. There’s no healing without attention To his organ. Learning attention to it, you learn to trust him. Learning to trust, you awaken the dormant healing power.

Do the exercise once a day. When you master this exercise — you are ready to develop full of breath.

Full breath — the breath that engages the whole body, the whole body. This breath is the true energy, as it powerfully and actively involves the movement of energy flows throughout the body and allows the body to absorb together with the air a lot of vitality. Most people are not breathing with the whole body and individual body parts. So, there’s high breathing, middle breathing and lower breathing, which, unlike the full breathing, are not perfect.

In the upper breathing involved only the upper part of the chest. With such a breath, rising of the clavicle and shoulders, the swell of the upper ribs, the diaphragm moves very awkward and limited. With such a breath in the lungs gets only a very small part of air. This is the worst way to breath. With such a breath wasted a lot of energy, and in return, you are not getting the vital forces. Many diseases of the respiratory system occurs from this method of breathing. This method of breathing when the chest heaving sharply, and the rest of the body is still, especially characteristic of women, but many men suffer from this disadvantage.

Secondary breathing is a little better than high breathing, but also not good enough. With an average breathing work all the edges — they parted, and his chest is expanding, but the rest of the body still.

The lower breath is better than upper and middle, but it is not quite perfectly, but the one who is breathing bottom breathing is undoubtedly much more healthy than someone who breathes the upper and middle breathing. At the bottom of the breath expands the chest not so much, how many the abdominal cavity. When POM diaphragm, lungs and chest get a lot more freedom, lungs expand more, and can absorb much more air than the upper and middle breathing. This gives you the opportunity to learn and far more life energy, prana.

Complete breathing is a combination of all types of breathing: upper, middle and lower, it is simultaneously breathing all parts of the body. In the complete breath we get the maximum benefit with a minimum of expended energy. The diaphragm thus has complete freedom, all the muscles involved in breathing are working in full force; the chest freely expanded in all directions, lungs to fully fill with air. If we’re going to take a lot of air, but we breathe the complete breath, the air will still wash all light completely, uniformly distributed over them and not allowing them to form a stagnation — while in the upper, middle and lower breathing filled the air only the parts of the lungs, and in other parts forms a stagnation.

Full breathing is the most natural way of breathing. Watch and you’ll see that breathe like babies and animals. And children and animals do not heaving frantically while breathing the thorax, as occurs in most adults.

Primitive people close to nature and not spoiled by the civilized way of life, too, was breathing so.

In order to master the complete breath, we have an intermediate stage to develop the lower breath. Why lower? Because it is most efficiently and close to perfection from all these but full. Wrong upper, or thoracic, and the middle breath, and so breathe we all know how — to practice is not necessary, it may be lower, or abdominal, breathing is a necessary step before proceeding at full breath.

Exercise “Lower breath”

Starting position: lie on your back on a hard surface. Place one hand on chest and another on your stomach.

Exhale the air from your lungs, while making sure that the belly is drawn as if you want to get a belly spine to belly from the inside out “stuck” to the spine. Of course, the other effect you achieve, but the more retracted the belly, the better. The hand lying on the abdomen, and the need to feel the movement of the abdomen, drawn inwards, and the hand lying on his chest, should ensure that the chest remained still. Belly udaliaias as deeply as possible inside, makes you work the diaphragm, which presses on the lungs and helps to squeeze out the air.

Exhaling all the air from your lungs, take a breath, just make sure that the nose was not breath, struggled, worked like a pump: let the breath is very light, superficial, inaudible. The hand that still rests on his chest, controls chest when inhaling, it should left alone. Again turn to the work of the stomach — he helps the breath: now the hand lying on the abdomen should feel like your stomach sticks out, sticks out. Stomach move up should be very noticeable, while the chest is fixed. You will feel that breath, it would seem shallow and superficial in your body without strain and effort comes much more air than with the way of breathing, which you are accustomed to breathe normally.

Master this exercise daily until this way of breathing will become habitual for you.

Once you have mastered abdominal breathing, you can move on to a more perfect way of breathing is to his energy type. In fact, correctly executed lower breath is the energy is already essentially breathing so, we make energy flow and the body is filled with vitality. But we can do so with this type of breathing life force poured into the body even more, and energy flows were more active and intense. The following exercise will help as well.

Exercise Energy abdominal breathing”

Starting position: sit or stand so that the back was straight. Concentrate on the abdomen, directly under the navel.

Imagine that there is a powerful source of energy, a kind of spotlight that emits bright yellow, powerful beam of light. You can adjust the light as you want, it obeys your will, and you can direct him wherever you want. Concentrate on the sensation of this radiation.

Starting to inhale, imagine that you turned the spotlight inside of the abdomen and direct the beam of energy straight towards the back. The energy spreads inside the abdomen, Along the back, down along the spine to the coccyx — all of this is happening simultaneously with the inhalation and protrusion of the abdomen. The energy can be imagined as a bright yellow glow. It is necessary to make sense of the overflow of the lower part of the abdomen with air and energy. Let the abdomen protrude as possible. Hold for a few seconds breathing.

Now very slowly exhale, watch W so that his stomach was falling, and her breast remained motionless. While exhaling, imagine that you turned the spotlight again on the outside, and the beam of energy goes through the abdomen to the outside.

This type of breathing not only powerfully and rapidly fills the body with energy, but also successfully treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and constipation.

Do not go to the development of the full breath until, until you become abdominal, or lower, breathing in his usual energy and until this breath will be your most natural way of breathing.

Having done all the exercises, you will notice that you don’t think about breathing, but still breathing bottom breathing. even without constant monitoring of consciousness. You are now ready to harnessing the full energy of the breath.

Exercise “Full breath”

This exercise to perform better standing up.

Starting position: stand up straight, the back should be straight.

Take slow, calm breaths, trying not to pull the air noise through the nostrils — it must be freely and naturally, as if by itself. Try to direct the flow of air near the lower part of the lung closest to the diaphragm, watch out, as the diaphragm descends, as if to make room for air, presses on the abdomen and causes the belly to bulge.

Next, aim the air in the middle part of the lungs, feeling as if remaining extended stomach this causes the air to expand more and lower ribs, and then the middle part of the chest.

Now direct the air in the upper part of the lungs, watching this extends the top of your chest, push the top edge. The air came to the tops of the lungs, at the end of the breath should be drawn in the lower part of the abdomen, and the diaphragm will rise, will prop up the chest at the bottom and cause the air to move to the top of the lungs.

Watch out when you inhale that the breath is not consisted of three separate fragmentary movements, and that he was made gradually, a wave-like motion of all involved in the inhale part of the body from bulging belly, then spreading the ribs, the breast and the indentation of the abdomen and the maximum opening of the upper part of the chest. Let the breath will be smooth and slow, without jerks and stops.

Inhale, hold your breath for a few seconds.

Now begin to slowly exhale. At the beginning of exhalation, the chest remains expanded, the stomach, which you got at the end of the breath, gradually begins to relax and bulge. As you exhale, the abdomen bulges, and the chest remains expanded. At the end of the exhalation you let go of the tension of the chest, she falls, and the belly is still protruding, then release the tension and belly too. The abdomen and chest take their normal position, not retracted and not protruding.

Will practice a bit, and this way of breathing will become your natural and effortless.
In this method of breathing all breathing apparatus is driven, and filled with air and life force to all parts of the lungs, down to the remotest of cells. Blood enriched with oxygen, it begins to carry much more energy to all the organs and tissues. There are processes of healing in the body. You will immediately feel better. Having mastered the complete breath, you will never want to go back to the blue the usual way of breathing.

With the full breath you will not commit those mistakes that is characteristic of most people. It is not necessary to raise the shoulders so as the air without it perfectly enters into the lungs, filling them to the tops. Don’t need air too often, since even in the rare breathing into the lungs receiving sufficient air, and there is no need to try to increase the amount due to the frequent breathing. It is not necessary is noisy to breathe the air, working his nose as a pump, as with a Good operation of the diaphragm air enters the nasal cavity itself, quietly and silently. Such breathing is quiet and calm and at the same time saturates the body with oxygen and life force as no other type of breathing.

Full breathing not only healing — it is also rejuvenates the body. Why is this happening? Let us see what is aging. Aging is the slow destruction, the disintegration of the body, the gradual breakdown of cells and tissues. Decay this occurs when the processes of destruction in the body begin to dominate over the processes of creation. We are young, healthy and happy for as long as the body is a balance of the creative and destructive forces, that is, tissues are constantly being updated as much as it destroyed. This is the normal human condition. And do not think that with age, the destructive processes will certainly dramatically increase. If we are one with nature, if we breathe correctly, the destructive processes, even in 90 or 100 years, though will grow, but will not be catastrophic.

Now, many people the destructive processes begin to dominate after 40-50 years! This is completely insane, because the human body is programmed by nature for a much longer period of youth.

Why many people the destructive processes begin to dominate over the creative at such an early age? But only because they are in the process of wasting your life energy more than I receive. Energy is constant — a huge amount of it is spent on different experiences, nervous reactions, fears, discouragement, anxiety. Even the process of breathing, being constructed properly, is extremely energy intensive! Most people breathe so that breathing process just wastes energy, and almost never gets it. That’s why people get old before their time.

Proper breathing reduces the consumption of energy in the body and increases the consumption of energy. Accordingly, the creative power in the body begins to be balanced against the devastating. Now there is no predominance of destructive forces that allows us to greatly reduce the destructive processes in the body and greatly slow the aging process. To breathe a full breath it means to be young, strong and healthy indefinitely!

The complete breath is the cornerstone for healing. And on this basis we can build the Foundation of your health. One who has mastered the complete breath, already reached a certain improve your energy, he has largely become the master of life force, prana, he has awakened the healing power. And then we have to learn to use this healing power on their own to carry as many health.

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