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How to remove belly fat: 7 simple exercises

Как убрать жир с живота: 7 простых упражненийFat in the abdominal area is one of the most problematic zones of our body.

Improper diet and sedentary lifestyle are the big enemies of our waist.

If these two areas of my life to make the necessary changes, it will be impossible to make the figure look nice and belly wrinkles.

Fortunately, to achieve this goal do not need to exhaust yourself with many hours of training or overstroke diets.

Enough to balance your diet and regularly do some simple exercises. And then your waist will start to acquire the desired look.

We will tell you about seven exercises to help remove belly fat.

Please note that during these exercises should work the muscles three abdominal areas: upper, lower and side muscles.

1. Strap

The exercise is called “plank”, makes you work all muscle groups, including abdominal muscles.

To hold the body in this position requires a sense of balance, concentration and strength.


Lie on a yoga Mat face down and lean on your forearms and toes.
The hips should be raised and your back straight, and neck relaxed. Ensure lower back is not formed of a deflection — hold the case by the abdominal muscles and back.
Hold stretch 15 to 20 seconds, then rest.
Repeat the exercise three times.

2. Body lifting

This is a fairly simple exercise, as the legs are relaxed and only work the abdominal muscles.


Lie on a bench or other raised surface face up, holding his hands behind his head.
Resting his feet on the floor, lift the upper and middle part of the trunk; the abdominal muscles must be tensed.
Gently return to starting position.
Do this exercise at least 3 times per workout.

3. The leg curl

The leg curl (hoist) requires quite a lot of effort, but this exercise is very effective for burning fat and strengthening abdominal muscles.

It should be done sitting on a chair, bench, etc.; to strain should the muscles of the lower abdomen.


Sit on the edge of the chair; the back should be slightly reclined, legs — stretched.
Bending your knees, pull them to your chest.
During exercise, the abdominal muscles must be tensed. Try to repeat this exercise 8 to 10 times.
Make 3 series of this exercise.

4. Leg lifts

There are different versions of this exercise. We offer the one which work the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and belly.


Lie on the exercise Mat, hands near body, based them on the floor.
Raise extended legs, without bending their knees.
Try to lift them as high as possible, then gently lower. The loins should be pressed to the floor.
Make 3 series of this exercise; in each of them to 10 repetitions.

5. Cross tension of the abdominal muscles

Cross tension of the abdominal muscles allows you to keep them in good shape and burn fat stored in the abdomen.

Regular performance of this exercise improves the figure and helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles.


Lie on the yoga Mat, hands behind head, legs extended.
Flex your leg in the right leg and lift the body and knee so that it touched the left elbow.
Return to starting position and repeat with the other leg (and another arm).
During exercise, the abdominal muscles must be tensed. Need to do 3 series of this exercise, each series of 15 repetitions.

6. Touch toes

When you stretch the muscles, sitting on the floor and trying to touch hands to toes abdominal muscles tense up, and it’s good for the waistline.

If we complicate this exercise, making it lying down, it will require more muscle tension and will become more useful.


Lie on your back, pull legs up and pull up your hands, so that the shoulders slightly off the floor.
Try to touch his toes, the abdominal muscles must be tensed.
Keep this position for 10 to 15 seconds, then relax.
Repeat the exercise three times.

7. Exercise for the lateral muscles with dumbbells

In conclusion, this series of exercises take in each hand dumbbells and do a simple exercise for the side abdominal muscles.


Starting position — standing, feet slightly apart, back straight, one in each hand grab a dumbbell.
Without bending the knees, tilting the torso to the right as low as possible.
Return to the starting position and do the tilt in the other direction.
Do 3 series of this exercise (each 10 tilts in both directions).
These simple exercises you can do almost anywhere in your home. Time they need a little.

Try to do exercise every day, do not forget about proper nutrition and you will soon notice how much better your waist.

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