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Called bad habits that destroy teeth

Названы вредные привычки, разрушающие зубыIn our lives there are habits, the harm which to the teeth, we can not guess.

Habits are developed over time skills, which is quite difficult sometimes to overcome. They are so firmly part of our lives that we often do not even notice them and not realize it.

Moreover, do not think about the harm that they bring to our body and beauty.


Used to pluck teeth corks or break the plastic packaging? Save up money for the restoration of teeth, soon you’ll need it. If you are using teeth as tools, accept the fact that they will serve you for long.

Dentists, for example, such action just makes you shiver, although they are, of course, and will be happy to make you a tidy sum on account for the repair of your teeth. It is a pity money? Then use teeth for chewing food. And for bottles and other things keep the can opener and scissors.


No doubt sports drinks in hot weather, great thirst quencher. But they are usually contains large amounts of sugar. Like soda or candy, sports drinks cause acid attacks on your teeth.

The best way to protect your body from dehydration during sports is to drink water without sugar or any additives.


And if you speak the right language — “bruxism” — eventually destroys the teeth. This phenomenon is a result of stress or habit. It is difficult to control. Refusal of solid food during the day can reduce the pain and harm of this habit, but at night can help mouthguard for the teeth, they will minimize the damage of grinding.


The fact that cough lozenges are sold in pharmacies, does not make them harmless, though, because most of them contain sugar. So after eating one candy thoroughly brush your teeth.

It doesn’t matter where the sugar gets to you in the body, from the cough drop or candy, in any case, it reacts with the plaque covering your teeth, and the bacteria contained in the plaque convert the sugar into acid that erodes your enamel. And Hello, cavities!


The ice is completely natural and does not contain a single gram of sugar. So many people tend to consider him harmless. But if you have a habit to chew the solid pieces of ice, it can lead to scratches and even cracks on the teeth.

In addition, such a pointless exercise can damage the soft tissue inside the tooth. And then constant toothache you provided.

Hot and cold food too can cause acute attacks of pain and lingering aching pain. In General, when you next time visit the idea to chew on ice, consider gum without sugar.


If you are fond of football, hockey or some other sport that does not get in the game without a protective mouthguard for teeth (it’s a piece of flexible plastic that protects the upper row of teeth). When a hard game without it you may lose several teeth. Mouthguards can be purchased at the store or order one specifically for myself at the dentist.


Take care of dental health never… before. Leaving a baby bottle with juice or milk in the crib, you contribute to the destruction of his just appeared tooth. Child can get used to fall asleep with a bottle. And his teeth, meanwhile, the night will be exposed to sugars. So keep the bottle away from the cradle of the baby.


Tongue piercing – it may be stylish, but that is from constant contact with the metal damaged tooth enamel, it is a fact. The same applies to the lip piercing. Teeth, constantly banging on metal, destroyed. And soon you will be able to lose them at all.

Besides the mouth – it is a Paradise for bacteria. And piercings can be an unnecessary factor in the development of infection. Piercing language, you can hit a major blood vessel, resulting in severe bleeding. Conclusion: consult your dentist before something pierced.


All products containing sugar, destroy the teeth. But some particularly harmful. So, chewing candy stuck in your teeth, provide your teeth’s contact with sugar, and subsequently with an acid for several hours.

If you can’t live without chewing candy, eat a couple immediately after eating, but not as a separate snack. While eating, the mouth produces more saliva which helps to clean the teeth from the remnants of chocolates and acids.


Fruit drinks are a source of vitamins and antioxidants, but unfortunately, and sugars too. Some juices sugar as much as soda. The fruit themselves are sweet, so drink natural juices, without additional sweeteners. In a pinch, you can dilute the too-sweet juice with water.


When it comes to sugar, candy is not its only source. Soda can contain up to 11 teaspoons of sugar per Cup. In addition, soda has phosphoric and citric acid that erodes tooth enamel. In dietary drinks sugar may be less, but often the acid content in them are still higher than normal.


Fruit drinks are a source of vitamins and antioxidants, but unfortunately, and sugars too. Some juices sugar as much as soda. The fruit themselves are sweet, so drink natural juices, without additional sweeteners. In a pinch, you can dilute the too-sweet juice with water.


Surely at least once in your life you began to chew the pencil, being passionate about work or studies. Like biting ice, this action can cause damage to the teeth. If you are in acute need of something to chew, give preference to chewing gum without sugar. This will cause a burst of saliva, which cleanses the teeth from acid.


The dark color and acidity of coffee can over time ruin the teeth color. Fortunately, these stains to get rid of quite easily using a variety of bleaching techniques. Contact your dentist if you don’t like the color of your teeth.


Cigarettes and other tobacco products spoil the color of the teeth and lead to gum disease. Tobacco can also cause cancer of the mouth, lips and tongue. If you need another reason to quit Smoking, think about their smile.


Acids in wine soften the enamel of teeth and cover teeth plaque, which can later turn into Tartar. Red wine also contains pigments (called Chromogen and tannins), eating into the very tightly in the teeth. Don’t forget — the traces of red wine can remain on your teeth and when your glass has long been empty.


You might think that white wine will save you from the problem of stains on the teeth. But the acids contained in it, still weaken tooth enamel and make teeth more vulnerable to plaque formation from other products (e.g. coffee). After consumption of white or red wine, brush your teeth or at least rinse them with water.


Gluttony is accompanied by the consumption of huge amounts of sugars. Even more harmful are bulimic. Acid contained in the vomit (suffering from bulimia often cause a gag effect, to rid the stomach of food), have a devastating effect on teeth.

These acids are the cause of bad breath. In addition, the bulimia causes serious health problems. Contact your doctor if you are experiencing such inclinations.

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