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A gun disguised as a smartphone

A gun disguised as a smartphone Double-barreled 9mm pistol similar to a normal smartphone, but with a simple movement it turns into a real weapon. Popular Mechanics Today at 11:30 Holster for carrying gun at the waist or under the armpit can cause a lot of inconvenience, but they can …

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Nine symptoms that men cannot be ignored

Nine symptoms that men cannot be ignored Masculinity lead to an early death, scientists believe. “Macho men” less likely to turn to doctors and, as a rule, they believe that disease will be “themselves”. Collage ©Ridus Researchers from Rutgers University have found that masculinity reduces the life expectancy of a …

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In Russia, the beneficiaries will pay the costs of medications

In Russia can start to compensate for the expenses on medicines, medical devices and special food for disabled children and privileged categories of citizens. The corresponding bill introduced in the state Duma. During the inspection in 24 subjects of the Russian Federation it became clear that not all regions of …

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MP: plots will not be confiscated in favor of the state

The adoption of the law on the entry into circulation of agricultural land will not lead to confiscation in favor of the state and dacha gardens of citizens. About it as the correspondent “of Rosbalt”, said the head of the Duma Committee on agrarian issues Nikolai Pankov. “I want to …

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The Jericho rose will help at a syndrome of “dry eye”

The Jericho rose is the only member of the genus of Anastatica (Anastatica). It is an annual herbaceous plant contains Trehalose, which is also found in some plants and tissues of living organisms. Scientists have found that this substance has the unique abilities. Just one molecule of Trehalose is capable …

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Lavrov: the health of Savchenko is not alarming

Health convicted in Russia of Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko, which many try to speculate, not serious, said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov concluded talks in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry. “In relation Hope Savchenko, John (Kerry) is really …

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