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“Black collectors” leave the field of battle for the debts

This year the number of claimants, practicing illegal methods, was reduced by 10% Recently the state Duma adopted a bill to limit collection activity, however, the efforts of the Central Bank, interior Ministry and Prosecutor General’s office against the illegal claimants has led to the fact that the number of …

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Will soon begin clinical trials of the drug, slows aging

  The compound, called nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), have proven effective in slowing down the aging process in laboratory mice. Came to find out whether this substance has a similar effect on people. It is this, and will focus on clinical trials, which will be held in the near future under …

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Wasserman spoke about armed self-defense

After the terrorist attack in Orlando, President Barack Obama urged to impose restrictions on the sale of weapons to potential terrorists. Correspondents iREACTOR asked well-known Russian journalist Anatoly Wasserman to tell who Americans can get into the black list and is not a violation of human rights, the division of …

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