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This is the best foods to improve digestion

Это лучшие продукты для улучшения пищеваренияDue to the charge of the enzymes these foods are easily digested, and the bacteria in them are even able to replace the natural priborchiki in the digestive system.


Spirulina algae is incredibly high content of calcium, protein and essential amino acids. It is an excellent source of nutrients. Spirulina is considered an excellent antioxidant and is able to establish digestion after a course of antibiotics. Algae can be found both in dry form and in capsule form.


The technology of production of yogurt involves the active participation of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, due to which milk is transformed into yogurt. The concentration of probiotics in yogurt more than other dairy products, and the high content of calcium are capable of making kefir is a true energy cocktail.


Kombucha is another fermented drink, this time in the form of tea. Kombucha has been used for centuries in Asia as a beverage to improve General health and increase energy. This fermented tea contains a number of different yeast and other bacteria, as well as vitamins and vitamin C. the Kombucha is a powerful probiotic that, however, is not suitable for those who have an intolerance to yeast.


Any vegetarian knows that pace is the main meat substitute soy-based. Fermented soy protein is a good source of manganese, copper, protein and vitamin B2. Tempe also contains a significant amount of fiber and protein, but this product enough calories, so have it in moderation.


This traditional Japanese product made from discarded rye, beans and barley and is an excellent source of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Usually miso is a main ingredient miso soup, but it can be used for sauces and spreads.


The most famous product-probiotic yoghurt, you can always buy at the nearest store. Yogurt is prepared by adding bacterial cultures to milk, resulting in a product that is incredibly rich in beneficial bacteria, calcium and glucose. Classical Greek yogurt, no flavors or sweeteners, can become the basis for many dishes, from sauces to fruit mousses.


National dish — sauerkraut, in fact, is one of the most powerful pribiotikov that you can think of. By itself, the process of pickling is a fermentation process, which released a new chemical compound. They make the cabbage, which is so utterly useful, powerful probiotic with a high content of calcium and magnesium. Some advocates of healthy eating even claim that cabbage can prevent cancer.


Crispy pickles are another tasty way to add probiotics to your diet. The problem with pickles is that they must be salted, not pickled. The vinegar completely denies pickles of useful properties, so homemade pickles — the best choice in this case.

Dried fruits

Dried apricots, prunes and raisins are the three pillars on which the world stands dried fruit. The process of drying and subsequent storage involves the fermentation of fruit sugars break down into less complex compounds, with the result that we get a lot of useful — from fructose to vitamins of all groups. Natural enzymes gently improve digestion and strengthen the body’s resistance. The comparison showed that dried fruits are much more useful than their fresh counterparts.


Like sauerkraut, kimchi is a cabbage salad, radish, scallions or cucumber, thoroughly aged in a barrel. Kimchi is extremely popular in both Koreas, where it is eaten as an accompaniment to every meal. Kimchi contains a lot of vitamin C and carotene, and vitamins A,B1 and B2.

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