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Why are dried fruits good for health

Почему сухофрукты полезны для здоровьяAll nutritionists believe that the health of a person, as his hair and skin depends on how it feeds.

One of the products that they constantly recommend – dried fruits, which are particularly useful for women who want to look perfect.

After ten days of eating dried fruits can be detected as improved complexion, stronger nails and hair. All these positive changes occur due to the high content of vitamins and minerals.

Eat and lose weight
You need to know that the fruits belong to the category of concentrated sweet products. But they contain no real sugar and fructose and glucose. It is useful carbohydrates that do not raise insulin levels in the blood. Dried fruits are high calorie, but they are not as harmful calories, as in confectionery. From them absolutely not fattening but on the contrary, lose weight. In dried fruits there is absolutely no fat. Italian nutritionists found that even in small amounts, they fortify the body in General. Dried fruits help bowel movement and suppress excessive appetite.

Typically, the dried fruit is stored in a glass jar, covered with paper. Should not keep it in a plastic bag, it is best to use a linen bag. The dried fruit before consumption should be washed with warm water. Choosing a product in the market, you need to pay attention to it.
• Fruits should not be dried.
• They must be insect larvae.
• They should be without the wine taste.

Popular dried fruits
The most popular dried fruits – raisins, prunes, and dried apricots. More dried pears and apples, and berries: raspberries and cherries, cherries and blueberries, rosehips and black currants, cranberries and strawberries. One of the most nutritious dried fruits include figs, which improves the activity of the thyroid gland, prevents the development of cancer, improves digestion. In folk medicine it is used to treat bronchitis and removing intestinal parasites.

Dieting with dried fruit
Very useful five-day diet for weight loss. You need to cook five bags of gold, on which to place three kinds of different dried fruits and two kinds of dried nuts. During the diet you can drink green or black tea and coffee but without milk and sugar. It is also allowed daily drink 100 ml of dry table red or white wine.

Diet days is best done this way. The contents of one sachet divided into ten portions and eat one every hour. Such a diet is easily tolerated because the person is not tormented by hunger, and a variety of dried fruits and nuts is good. Besides, it is effective and useful for the digestive tract and General condition of the body.

Paste Of Hippocrates
This recipe is a famous doctor advised his patients to improve the activities of the heart and blood vessels. It is recommended to use in our days. Cooked pasta has excellent healing properties, besides, it is very tasty. For its preparation you need to take in 300 g of prunes, dried apricots, figs and nuts, adding 100 g of honey. Dried fruits should be thoroughly washed. If prunes and dried apricots are very dense, they don’t want to soak in a little water. Then soaked the fruit must be pressed and add to them the honey and nuts. All this mass, whip in a blender until smooth. The resulting paste is taken two to three times a day one teaspoon.

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