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The most useful products for the prevention of osteoporosis

Самые полезные продукты для профилактики остеопорозаTOP 10 foods for strong bones.

When it comes to strengthening bones, there are two key nutrients that can be obtained from food: calcium and vitamin D.

Calcium forms the structure of bones and teeth, while vitamin D improves absorption of calcium from food.

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by fragile and brittle bones. Getting enough calcium and vitamin D, you can reduce the risk of osteoporosis or slow the process of disease development.

Daily calcium and vitamin D for adults and children

A large part of the daily requirement of vitamin D we get from the sun, but some foods are also rich of this component. Adults under the age of 50 must get 1000 mg of calcium and 5 micrograms of vitamin D per day. Adults over 50 should get 1200 mg of calcium and 10-15 µg of vitamin d For children calcium ranges from 400 mg to 1000 mg per day and vitamin D 5-10 mcg. To obtain these nutrients from a special multivitamin complexes or food products.

Healthy foods for strong bones

1. Yogurt: 200g of yoghurt will provide you daily allowance of calcium and 20% of the daily value of vitamin D. besides, yoghurt normalizes kishechnogo tract, improves immunity and accelerates metabolism.

2. Milk: well, surprise surprise. But we could not forget about the beneficial properties of milk. 200 ml of milk contains only 90 calories, but will saturate your body with 30% of the daily dose of calcium. By the way, there are several types of milk are fortified with vitamin D.

3. Cheese Simply because cheese is a good source of calcium, doesn’t mean you need to eat it in large quantities. Just 40g of cheddar cheese contains more than 30% of the daily value of calcium, so eat it in moderation. Most cheeses contain little vitamin D.

4. Sardines: This little sea-fish contains surprisingly large amounts of vitamin D and calcium. Though canned food may look not very appetizing, but even carding, heat-treated do not lose their useful properties in the fight against osteoporosis.

5. Eggs: Though eggs and chicken, and goose, and quail, – contains only 6% of the daily value of vitamin D, of this product it is absorbed best. Just do not eat some egg whites – this can reduce calorie intake, but take away all the vitamin D, which is contained in egg yolk.

6. Salmon: Red sea fish contains a huge amount of healthy omega-3 fats. In addition, only 80g of salmon contains over 100% of the daily value of vitamin D. This fish not only protects the heart and brain from damage, but also the bone.

7. Spinach: don’t like dairy? Then do like Popeye and eat your spinach, lots of spinach. One Cup of cooked spinach contains 25% of the daily value of calcium, plus fiber, iron and vitamin A.

8. Whole-grain cereals Are whole-grain cereals fortified with vitamin D and calcium. One serving of this product contains 25% of the daily value of these minerals. So if there is no time to cook salmon and not enough rest and relaxation under the sun – eat cereal.

9. Green leafy vegetables: like spinach, to supply the body with 25% of the daily value of calcium and vitamin D may lettuce, arugula, parsley, etc. besides, they are easy, dobiti in meals, for example, in a Frittata.

10. Orange juice: a Glass of freshly squeezed orange juice does not contain calcium or vitamin D, but it helps these trace elements absorbed from other foods.

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