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The hole in the ozone layer of our planet reduced

Дыры в озоновом слое нашей планеты сокращаютсяThe reason that environmentalists see in the countries ‘ compliance with the Montreal Protocol.

The ozone hole over Antarctica shrank by four million square kilometers. About the survey the environmentalists said in the journal Science.

The biggest ozone hole over Antarctica, scientists have observed in 2015. Scientists blame the eruption of the volcano Calbuco in Chile.

Summarizing the observations, conducted over the past 15 years with the help of satellites and atmospheric probes, the experts came to the conclusion that in the stratosphere a large number of small particles contributed to the growth in the number and size of polar clouds, interacts with human-produced chlorine.

Scientists claim that this is evidence of a gradual recovery of ozone in the stratosphere.

The reason that environmentalists see in the countries ‘ compliance with the Montreal Protocol, signed in 1987 and designed to reduce the emissions of chlorofluorocarbons lower.

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