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11 amazing things that will happen before the end of the Universe

11 удивительных вещей, которые произойдут до конца существования Вселенной


11 удивительных вещей, которые произойдут до конца существования Вселенной

Nothing lasts forever. And our universe is, of course, will also die. Rumor has it, she will be the everlasting expansion and, eventually, death from entropy. The universe increases and the entropy is growing and will grow until all that we hold dear, do not die. But it’s sentimental, but we the people are scientists, so we are interested in how it will look in the end of the Universe? What it will involve? No, well, curious.


In the night sky will be the stars

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In 150 billion years the night sky on Earth would look very different. As the universe strives towards its heat death, that space is expanding faster than the speed of light. We know that the speed of light is a hard speed limiter all objects in the Universe. But this only applies to objects that are in space, not the fabric of space-time. It is difficult to understand on the fly, but the fabric of space-time is already expanding faster than the speed of light. In the future this will entail strange consequences.

Since the space itself is expanding faster than light, there is the cosmological horizon. Any object that goes beyond this horizon will require the ability to observe and record information about it using a particle travelling faster than light. But such particles do not exist. As soon as the objects go beyond the cosmological horizon, they become inaccessible to us. Any attempt of contact or interaction with the distant galaxies beyond this horizon will require technologies that can move faster than the expansion of space itself. So far only a few objects are outside of our cosmological horizon. But because dark energy accelerates the expansion, everything in the end will be beyond the reach of our eyes.

What does this mean for the Earth? Imagine that look into the night sky in 150 billion years. The only thing that will be seen several asterisks, which remained within the cosmological horizon. In the end, and they will go away. The night sky would be completely blank as tabula Rasa. Future astronomers will not be able to prove that in the Universe there is some other object. All the stars and galaxies that we see now will disappear. For us in the whole Universe there will be only Solar system. However, the Land is unlikely to live up to this, but more on that below.

Life after the death of the Sun will not disappear

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We all know that stars are not eternal. Their life starts with their education, continues throughout the main sequence phase (which accounts for a large part of the life of a star) and ends with the death star. In most cases, the stars swell several hundred times its normal size, ending the main sequence phase, and with it absorb any planets that are close to them.

However, for planets that revolve around stars at large distances (beyond the “frost line” of the system), these new conditions can actually become warm enough to support life. According to a recent study conducted at the Institute Carl Sagan at Cornell University, this situation in some star systems can last for billions of years and lead to the emergence of entirely new forms of extraterrestrial life.

Approximately 5.4 billion years our Sun will leave the main sequence phase. Having exhausted the hydrogen fuel in the core, the inert helium ash that will be there, becomes unstable and collapses under the action of its own weight. This leads to the fact that the core will heat up and become denser, which in turn will increase the Sun size star will enter a phase of “branch red giants”.

This period will begin when our Sun will become subgiants and will slowly double in size over about half a billion years. Next half a billion years it will expand faster, until you exceed your current size 200 times and won’t be several thousand times brighter. Then it will officially become a red giant and its diameter will be approximately 2 and. E. Sun will go beyond the current orbit of Mars.

Obviously, the Earth will not survive the appearance of the red giant in the Solar system as mercury, Venus or Mars. But for the “frost line”, where enough cold to volatile compounds — water, ammonia, methane, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide remained in the frozen state, will remain gas giants, ice giants and dwarf planets. And it will begin to total thaw.

In short, when the star expands, its “habitable zone” will do the same, encompassing the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. When this happens, a previously uninhabited place — like the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn — can suddenly become residential. The same is true for many other stars in the Universe who are destined to become red giants as they get older and dying.

When our Sun reaches the red phase branch of the giants, he will be only 120 million years of active life. This time is not enough to have appeared and evolved new forms of life, can become truly challenging (like humans and other mammal species). But according to a recently published in The Astrophysical Journal study, some planets near other red giants in our Universe may remain habitable for much longer — up to nine billion years or more in some cases.

To help you understand, nine billion years is twice the current age of the Earth. Assuming that we are interested in the worlds will have the desired composition of elements, they will have plenty of time to give rise to new complex forms of life. The study’s lead author, Professor Lisa Kaltenegger, is also Director of the Institute Carl Sagan. She knows firsthand how to search for life in the Universe:


“When the star ages and brightens, the habitable zone moves outward, and you in fact see the second life of the planetary system. Currently, the objects in the outer regions frozen in our Solar system, like Europe and Enceladus, satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. After our yellow Sun will expand enough to become a red giant and turn the Earth into a parched desert, in our Solar system there will still be regions in other systems also — where life could flourish”.


When the star expands, it loses mass and pushes it outward in the form of solar wind. The planets that revolve close to the star, either have low gravity on the surface, you can lose the atmosphere. On the other hand, planets with sufficient mass (or located at a safe distance) can vibe save. In the context of our Solar system that means that in a few billion years worlds like Europe and Enceladus (which can also be life beneath the ice shell) can be a haven for life.

Our Sun will become a black dwarf

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At this point our universe has many different types of stars. Red dwarfs — cool stars, emitting red light are among the most common. Also in the Universe of many white dwarfs. This star is the remains of dead stars consisting of degenerate matter held together by quantum effects. Currently astronomers believe that white dwarfs have virtually infinite life expectancy. But after a certain time they will die and become exotic with stars: black dwarfs.

The same fate awaits our Sun. In the distant future our Sun will emit their outer layers and become a white dwarf star, which will remain for billions of years. But one day even the white dwarfs starts to cool down. After 10100 years, they have cooled to a temperature equal to the temperature of the microwave background radiation a few degrees above absolute zero.

When that happens, our star will become a black dwarf. Because this type of stars is so cool, the human eye, it will be invisible. For anyone who tries to find the Sun that gave us life, it will be impossible to do with optical systems. He will have to look for it by its gravitational effects. Most of the stars that we see in the night sky will become black dwarfs (another reason why the night sky is clean). But for our warm Sun is particularly disappointing.

Strange stars

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By the time when our Sun will become a black dwarf, stellar evolution is already complete. New stars will not be born. Instead, the Universe will flock to the cold remains of stars. And this will allow the Universe to begin to create strange stars, which differ significantly from the known.

One of them is frosty or cold star. When the stars in the Universe burn out their nuclear fuel, they increase their metallicity. In astronomy is a measure of the elements in the star that are heavier than helium — almost all the elements, beginning with lithium. With the increase of metallicheski stars, they become colder, because the heavier elements give out less energy in the synthesis process. Finally, the stars will become so cold that will have a temperature of 0 degrees, the freezing point of water.

Looking further into the future, there will be even more strange star. After about 101500 years in the future, entropy will prevail, and the universe will be essentially dead. In these cold times to control the Universe are quantum effects.

Quantum tunneling will allow light elements to be synthesized in an unstable form of iron. It, in turn, will decay into more stable isotope by emitting a weak amount of energy. These iron stars will be the only form of stars possible at this time. But they are found only in the models that astronomers don’t believe in proton decay, so this idea is not the most popular.

All the nucleons will disintegrate

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Rewind from the point in 1015 years after the Big Bang to the point in 1034 years. If the human race to that moment is dead, this age we certainly will not survive. As mentioned above, astronomers are constantly arguing about whether the decay of proton to the end of time. Let’s say Yes.

Nucleons are particles in the nucleus of an atom, protons and neutrons. The free neutron is known to decay with a half-life of 10 minutes. But the proton is extremely stable. No one’s seen firsthand the collapse of the proton. But towards the end of the Universe everything will change.

Physics suggest that the half-life of proton is 1037 years. We did not observe this decay because the universe is not old enough. In the age of collapse (1034 – 1040 years) finally the protons will begin to decay into positrons and pions. By the end of the era of the disintegration of all protons and neutrons in the Universe will end.

Obviously, life in the Universe start problems. If we assume that the human race survived the change of the Sun and migrated to a more friendly part of the Universe, at a certain point, already the laws of physics will dictate the death of the human race. Our bodies and all interstellar objects are composed of nucleons. When they disintegrate, all life will end, because the atoms themselves will cease to exist. Life cannot continue to exist in such circumstances (and in such form) and the universe will plunge into the era of black holes.

Black holes, flood the Universe

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When the nucleons disappear, the black holes will be included in the law and will rule the Universe from 1040года after the Big Bang to 10100 years. From this moment we start to talk about times so long, that to understand them with our minds is absolutely impossible. After a while, much greater than today’s age of the Universe, the only structures will remain black holes.

When the nucleons go, the main subatomic particles will become leptons — electrons and positrons. They will feed the black holes. Remnants of the absorbing substance in the Universe, black holes will emit particles that will fill the Universe with photons and hypothetical gravitons. But black holes are destined to die, as decided by Stephen Hawking.

According to Hawking, black holes evaporate because of its radiation. Radiating, they lose mass in the form of energy. This process takes a long time, so we know virtually nothing. So a black hole is completely evaporated, it should take years 1060, so this process has not yet proceeded to the end on the century of our Universe. But, as we have said, in the end will die and black holes. Of them will be only massless particles and a few scattered leptons, which will be lazily interact and lose their energy.

Will appear the atom of a new type

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After our Universe will be only a few subatomic particles, could seem to talk more about. But life can appear even in this worst of all possible worlds.

For many years researchers of the particles talked about positronium, tomopterna when a positron and electron. These two particles have opposite charges. (The positron is the antiparticle of the electron). Consequently, the solenoid will be attracted. When a pair of such particles will begin to interact, they may appear rudimentary orbit and behavior of atoms.

Since the positronium is rare to call this model pozitronika “chemistry” is not complete. But of these strange “atoms” can get very interesting things. First, they will be able to exist on a giant orbits that cover the interstellar space. While two particles interact, they can save a few regardless of distances.

During the era of black holes some of these “atoms” will have diameters covering a distance of more than our current observable universe. Consisting of leptons positronium atoms will survive proton decay and pass through the era of black holes. In addition, black holes will create positronium atoms in the radiation process. After a certain time decay and a positron-electron pair. But before the universe can give birth to the indescribable life.

Everything slows, even the thought

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When the era of black holes comes to an end and even these stellar giants will disappear in the dark, in our Universe there will be only a few things, mainly diffuse subatomic particles and the remaining atoms of positronium. After that in the Universe everything will happen very slowly, any event can last for eons. According to some theoretical physicists, such as Freeman Dyson, at this time in the Universe can once again see life.

Through a long, long time organic evolution can begin to develop from positronium. The creatures that will appear, will be very different from anything we know. For example, they can be huge, covering interstellar distances. Because in the Universe nothing will remain, they will be where to turn. But since these life forms are huge, think they’ll be a lot slower than us. In fact, the creation of even one thought such a creation could take trillions of years.

To us it may seem strange, but as those creatures will exist at the enormous time periods, this idea will be instant for them. They will be an incredibly long time, watching as the universe flies past them. But they will sink into Oblivion.

The end of “macrophysics”

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By this time the universe will reach nearly the maximum state of entropy, that is, becomes a homogeneous field of energy and several subatomic particles. It will be after the era of black holes, much later, after 10100 years. The space will expand as much as dark energy becomes so powerful that even black holes will cease to exist and the universe will lose massive objects.

It is hard to imagine such a Universe. You only ponder: the stars will cease to form because subatomic particles that make up matter, will be separated such distances that they will not be able to meet, traveling at the speed of light. Even the positronium atoms will not be able to appear.

Physics will end. The only physical model that will continue to work, will be quantum mechanics. Quantum effects will occur even on a huge interstellar distances in a giant time frame. In the end, the temperature of the Universe drops to absolute zero: there will be a power that could be turned into work. In some models the expansion of space will continue to grow, tearing space-time apart. The universe will cease to exist.

Is it possible to escape from it all?

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Still our journey to the end of the Universe was accompanied by only dark and depressing events. But physicists are optimistic and sprinkles for humanity possible ways to survive the end of times and even re-run our Universe.

The most promising way to escape from our Universe with maximum entropy is to use the black holes, while the decay photons will not make life impossible. Black holes are very mysterious objects, but theorists suggest using them to enter new universes.

Modern theory suggests that bubble universes are constantly born in our own Universe, forming new universes with matter and a possibility for life. Hawking believes that black holes may be the outputs in these new universes. But there is one problem. Once you cross the boundary of the black hole, there’s no turning back. Therefore, if humanity decides to go into a black hole, it will be a trip one way.

First, you have to find a sufficiently massive rotating black hole to survive a trip through the event horizon. Contrary to popular belief, through the massive black holes safer to travel. Space travelers of the future can hope that the trip will not end in tears, but will not be able to contact their friends on this side of the black hole and to inform them about the result. Every trip is a leap of faith.

But there is a way to ensure that on the other side waiting for us a new universe. According to Alan Guth, the newborn Universe should only 1089 photons, 1089 electrons, 1089позитронов, 1089 neutrinos, 1089 antineutrinos, 1079 protons, and 1079 neutrons to start. May seem like a lot, but the amount is not more brick.

The people of the future could produce a false vacuum a region of space with potential for expansion — with the help of super-strong gravitational field. In the distant future people might get hold of technology to create a false vacuum and start their own universe. Since the original inflation of the universe lasts a fraction of a second, a new universe will expand instantly and will become the new home for people. A quick jump through the wormhole — and we are saved.

Random quantum tunneling could restart the universe

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What will happen to the Universe that we left behind? After some time she finally reaches maximum entropy and become absolutely uninhabitable. But even in this dead universe have life a chance. Researchers of quantum mechanics know about the effect of quantum tunneling. This is when a subatomic particle that can enter into the state of energy, is impossible classically.

In classical mechanics, for example, the ball can’t spontaneously pick up and go under the hill. It is forbidden energy state. An elementary particle also has a forbidden energy States from the point of view of classical mechanics, but quantum mechanics turns everything on its head. Some particles can “tunnel” in these energy States.

This process is already happening in the stars. But in relation to the end of the universe there is a strange possibility. Particles in classical statistical mechanics can not move from a higher state of entropy to a lower. But with quantum tunneling — can and will. Physics Sean Carroll and Jennifer Chen proposed the idea that after a certain time quantum tunneling may spontaneously reduce entropy in the universe is dead, cause a new Big Bang and restart the universe. But don’t hold your breath. To a spontaneous decrease in entropy happens, have to wait for 1010^10^56 years.

There is another theory which gives us hope for a new universe — this time from mathematicians. In 1890, Henri poincaré published his recurrence theorem, according to which after an incredibly long time all the system returns to a state very close to the original. This also applies to thermodynamics, in which random thermal fluctuations in the universe with high entropy can lead to its return to its original state, and then it starts all over again. It will take time, and the universe can be formed again, and the creatures who will live in it, will not have a clue about what living in our universe.

According to the materials listverse.com

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