Home / Incredible / The genome of Leonardo da Vinci will be restored

The genome of Leonardo da Vinci will be restored

Геном Леонардо да Винчи будет восстановленThe researchers plan to recover the genome of da Vinci.

An international team of scientists announced finding the missing remains of Leonardo da Vinci to reconstruct the genome of the great inventor and artist.

In the “Leonardo Project” involving geneticists, genealogists, archaeologists and art historians from Europe and the United States. Working with paintings and rough drafts of Leonardo, as well as with the DNA of his living relatives, they expect to obtain new information about the life, appearance, diet, and genetic features of Renaissance genius. The maximum program — a complete reconstruction of the genome.

“More and more methods allow you to recreate the DNA object which was touched by man. The source of da Vinci’s genes can become his numerous manuscripts. Do not exclude the possibility of detecting biological material inside paintings — the hardest thing will be to remove it without damaging the art itself,” — said the participant of the project Rhonda Roby (Rhonda Roby).

Pedigree of Leonardo’s paternal scientists have partially recreated — now similar work is being done with the parent line. These two branches are given different genetic information. In the end, the DNA of Leonardo scientists will be able to understand what color were his eyes and hair, a tall was he, what illnesses suffered and it really differed unusual vigilance.

Finally, the researchers plan to find and explore the remains of Leonardo. It is believed that he is buried in the chapel of St. Huber in the Royal castle of Amboise (France). To determine the identity of the deceased will need to compare the DNA of the bones with the DNA of modern relatives of Leonardo, and recreated from manuscripts and paintings material.

In April, researchers first discovered living relatives da Vinci, who died in 1519, leaving no children. The historian Agnes Sabato and art historian Alessandro vetstsozi presented to the public 35 living relatives da Vinci (of Florence and its environs).

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