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The best foods for cancer prevention

Названы лучшие продукты  для профилактики рака8 foods that need to eat every day to avoid cancer.

It is better to avoid problems than to deal with its consequences. This old truth is relevant in the world of medicine. Millions of people each year learn that they have cancer.

Meanwhile, many of them could have avoided this fate if adhere to certain rules of supply.

Scientists still have not come to the same conclusion about the nature of cancer, in particular, about the role of heredity. Still it remains a mystery why some heavy smokers die of old age in old age, whereas young people had never held a cigarette are diagnosed with lung cancer.

This and many other examples indicate that in addition to heredity and direct factors (Smoking, ecology, hazardous, etc.) there are many other reasons why people get sick or develop cancer.

Many scientists tend to give the leading role nutrition.

According to some studies, people who regularly eat some foods that can reduce the risk of oncological diseases to a minimum.

1. Blueberries

One of the most useful types of berries. Is characterized by a high content of vitamins C and K and many other nutrients. But what blueberry has no equal, so it is in antioxidants.

Antioxidants neutralize the body’s free radicals, which underlie the inflammatory processes in the body. The higher the body’s free radicals, the more the occurrence of many destructive processes, in particular, cancer.

According to numerous studies, regular consumption of blueberries lowers the risk of cancer of the breast, colon, bladder, lung and skin.

It is important to know that the blueberries do not lose its useful properties when frozen, so to protect your body from cancer with its help it is possible and necessary all year round.

2. Garlic

The benefits of garlic are known since ancient times. But the fact that this product can provide protection from cancer, has become known relatively recently.

Studies show that garlic contains sulfur components that are able to stimulate the immune system and increase its ability to destroy cancer cells. In particular, some studies show that regular consumption of garlic reduces the risk of stomach cancer in 10-12 times.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is a superfood (superfood), so doctors call products that have a fantastic range of useful properties, and should be included in the diet of any person.

In the case of cancer, broccoli is also in the forefront. Like garlic, broccoli contains sulfur components that stimulate the immune system. According to a recent study, researchers from the University of Michigan, some contained in broccoli substances actively destroy stem cells that are basic building blocks for the structure of malignant tumors.

Most importantly – do not cook broccoli in the microwave. According to a recent study by Spanish scientists, the microwave destroys up to 97% of all the nutrients contained in broccoli.

4. Ginger

According to some recent study, ginger shows wonders in the fight against some common forms of cancer. In particular, researchers from the University of Michigan found that consumption of ginger leads to prevention or slowing ovarian cancer. In another study of American scientists ginger showed excellent results in the prevention of colon cancer.

Experiments on laboratory animals showed that tumours of different kinds are growing much more slowly, if the body has high level of beta-grids, component that is in abundance is contained in ginger.

5. Nuts

Nuts in General are very useful and some subspecies, e.g. Brazil nuts, may even be considered a panacea against certain types of cancer.

These nuts are rich in selenium. According to numerous studies, this mineral is able to destroy cancer cells and helps healthy cells to repair the damaged stretches of DNA.

Researchers from Harvard University observed over 1000 patients with prostate cancer in the early stages and found that men with high selenium content in the blood, the cancer has progressed much more slowly.

Another major study carried out in Cornell University (new York), showed that a dose of 200 micrograms of selenium per day leads to a decrease in the risk of prostate cancer by 60%, colon cancer by 58% and lung cancer by 46%. But in General, the death rate from cancer in people who regularly consume foods rich in selenium, which is 39% below the average.

6. Kiwi

Kiwi fruit is a vitamin bomb. In this exotic fruit in abundance contain vitamins C and E as well as copper and many other nutrients, including antioxidants, essential in the fight against cancer.

Although regular consumption of kiwi fruit can help in fighting all types of cancer, some studies show that kiwi are the most effective in the case of lung cancer and stomach.

7. Salmon

According to a recent study by Australian scientists, people who consume salmon at least three times a week are 30% less likely to develop leukemia. Other studies reveal the same correlation between consumption of salmon and other fatty fish and reduced risk of many other cancers.

All in polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3. This is the most important substance for health in the human body is not produced. The only source of income is food. Omega-3 fats regulate blood pressure and calcium levels in the body, reduce the risk of blood clots, etc.

They are also an excellent prevention of cancer, affecting metabolism and the immune system.

Although omega-3 fats are found in many products, the easiest way to get them are fatty fish.

8. Grapefruit

The grapefruit in abundance contains the substance lycopene. It is a powerful antioxidant. And like other similar substances, it successfully resists cancer.

So, recently concluded many years of medical research from Harvard University showed that men who consumed foods rich in lycopene, not less than 10 times a week, reduce the risk of cancer of the prostate, at least 50%. Lycopene is also found in many fruits and vegetables, for example tomatoes and watermelons, but it is in the grapefruit its content is extremely high.

In addition, the grapefruit can boast a high content of phenolic acids, bioflavanoids (which prevent the secretion of hormones that promote the growth of malignant tumors) and different substances that are involved in the production of enzymes that can prevent cancer.

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