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The app will allow Plastiq to pay bills with photos

Приложение Plastiq позволит оплачивать счета при помощи фотоDeveloped a new application for quick pay bills.

Startup Plastiq has released a free iPhone app that allows residents of the USA and Canada to make payments on their debit and credit cards with photographs.

In particular, the user simply take a picture of the invoice received by e-mail or paper letter, and the app will identify the recipient and the preferred method of payment and enter the amount and date, including for pending transactions.

The user can make a payment immediately, or the application will remind him about it later. The service allows to pay by card even if the payee does not accept this method of payment, and takes a Commission of 1 – 2.5% for each payment.

According to a study conducted Plastiq, 98% of Americans are still paying for rent, utilities and school cheque, however, 79% of them would like to use such payments for their cards.

“Nobody likes to pay bills, says co-founder and CEO of Plastiq Eliot Buchanan. – People forget to pay them on time. And last year, Americans continued to send tens of billions of checks in the mail, because many industries still do not accept payment by credit card. We allow anyone to pay for any card, regardless of whether the recipient payment card”.

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