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Best juice mix for hypertensive patients

Лучшие соковые смеси для гипертониковJuice therapy will help to cope with unpleasant consequences of high blood pressure.

High blood pressure and headaches, tiredness and depression – all eternal associates of hypertension. Especially frightening hypertensive crises that appear with time in all patients, if you do not take any measures to fight the disease. It can be treated by various methods, including folk remedies. In the latter case, the growing popularity of juice therapy.

Juices for hypertension should be chosen taking into account their possible adverse effects on other organs. For example, some drinks do an excellent job of decompression, but is absolutely contraindicated for diabetics and those who suffer from obesity. Therefore, before starting therapy with juices, you should consult your doctor. So the effect was really good, you should drink freshly squeezed juices (beet only need to give a little to stand slowly and in small SIPS.

Recipe No. 1

Composition: 100 ml of carrot juice, 30 ml of beet and cucumber juice.

Method of preparation: the components mix.

Method of application: make the cocktail for 30 minutes before eating regularly for a few weeks.

Note: it is recommended to normalize blood pressure and improve metabolism.

Recipe No. 2

Composition: 50 ml of beet juice, 25 ml cranberry juice.

Preparation method: components of the mix.

Method of application: to accept on 75 ml of the mixture 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 10 days.

Note: it is recommended as a means of normalizing blood pressure.

Recipe No. 3

Composition: 100 ml of beet juice, 50 ml of juice of celery greens and tomatoes.
Method of preparation: all the ingredients mix thoroughly.

Application method: take a cocktail of 200 ml in the morning or 2 times a day 100 ml before meals.

Note: it is Recommended in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Recipe No. 4

Composition: 100 ml of juice of red beets, apples, 1 tsp lemon juice lemon zest for seasoning.

Method of preparation: all the ingredients mix thoroughly.

Method of use: take 200 ml of cocktail in the morning 1 time per day or 2 times a day 100 ml before meals.

Note: it is recommended in lowering blood pressure.

Recipe No. 5

Composition: 100 ml carrot, tomato juice, 1 tsp lemon juice, grated lemon peel for seasoning.

Method of preparation: mix the components carefully.

Application method: take a cocktail every day for several weeks.

Note: it is recommended for hypertension to normalize blood pressure, cleanse the body, and also as a source of carotene.

Recipe No. 6

Composition: 150 ml of tomato juice, 50 ml of carrot juice, 5 ml of garlic juice.

Method of preparation: stir thoroughly.

Method of use: take 200 ml of the mixture in the morning 30 minutes before eating 1 time a day or divided into 2 doses.

Note: it is recommended for hypertension to enhance the metabolic processes in the body and lower blood pressure.

Recipe No. 7

Composition: 100 ml of cucumber and tomato juice, 5 ml of garlic juice and lemon zest for seasoning.

Method of preparation: mix the components carefully.

Method of use: take the entire cocktail 1-2 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals for several weeks.

Note: it is recommended as an effective means to strengthen blood vessel walls and normalizing blood pressure.

Recipe No. 8

Composition: 100 ml tomato and Apple juice.

Preparation method: components of the mix.

Method of use: take 200 ml of juice 1 times a day in the morning or divided into 2 doses of 100 ml for 30 minutes before eating.

Note: it is recommended to enhance the metabolic processes in the body and lower blood pressure.

Recipe No. 9

Ingredients: 250 ml carrot juice and horseradish, juice of 1 lemon, 50 g of honey.

Method of preparation: the components mix well to dissolve the honey. A mixture of juice stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a tight lid.

Application method: take a cocktail on 1-2 tsp 3 times a day 1 h before meals or 2-3 hours after a meal. The treatment for about 2 months.

Note: it is recommended in hypertension for the purification of vessels.

Recipe No. 10

Composition: 100 ml of beet juice, 10 ml lemon juice, 10 grams honey and sour cream.

Method of preparation: all the ingredients thoroughly mixed until complete dissolution of honey.

Application method: take a cocktail in the morning before eating.

Note: it is recommended to normalize the blood pressure.

Recipe No. 11

Ingredients: 60 ml juice of green leaf lettuce, Apple juice, 200 ml of curdled milk.
Method of preparation: the components mix in mixer.

Method of application: make the cocktail as a first Breakfast.

Note: it is recommended to normalize the pressure and as a tonic.

Recipe No. 12

Composition: 100 ml of carrot juice, 5 ml juice of parsley, 200 ml of curdled milk.

Method of preparation: the components mix in mixer.

Application method: take a cocktail regularly as the first Breakfast in a few weeks.

Note: it is recommended for hypertension to normalize blood pressure, cleansing the body, as a source of carotene.

Recipe No. 13

Composition: 100 ml of cucumber juice, 50 ml of carrot juice, 25 ml of juice of spinach and celery green, 5 ml of garlic juice, 200 ml of curdled milk.

Method of preparation: the components mix in mixer.

Application method: take a cocktail regularly as the first Breakfast in a few weeks.

Note: it is recommended in the treatment of hypertension as an effective means to strengthen blood vessel walls and normalizing blood pressure.

Recipe No. 14

Composition: 200 ml of carrot and beet juice, 200 g honey, 100 g cranberries, 100 ml of 70% ethanol.

Method of preparation: the components mix and insist in a dark place for 3 days.

Method of application: take the infusion of 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 1 h before meals or 2-3 hours after a meal.

Note: it is recommended to normalize the blood pressure and the regulation of metabolic processes.

Recipe No. 15

Composition: 500 ml of beetroot juice, 375 ml cranberry juice juice of 1 lemon, 250 g flower honey 250 ml of vodka.

Method of preparation: all the ingredients mix well to dissolve the honey and infuse in a dark place for 3 days.

Method of use: take the tincture 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 1 h before meals.

Note: it is recommended to normalize blood pressure in hypertension and cleansing the blood vessels.

Recipe No. 16

Ingredients: 250 ml of beetroot juice, 1 Cup of honey.

Method of preparation: mix the components until complete dissolution of honey.

Method of application: take the juice of 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals for 2-3 months. The mixture was kept in the refrigerator.

Note: it is recommended to lower blood pressure.

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