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Terms of the origin of life in the Universe

Названы сроки возникновения жизни во ВселеннойThe first life in the Universe originated after a 5.2-11.3 billion years after the Big Bang.

Vlado Valkovic Institute of Rugera of Bošković in Zagreb (Croatia) evaluated the possible emergence of life in the Universe. On this study published on the website arXiv.org.

The scientist believes that the first life in the Universe originated after a 5.2-11.3 billion years after the Big Bang in which the universe was born. For comparison, today her age is estimated (according to the Planck mission) 13.75 billion years.

Called Vlkovice period of the origin of life in the Universe obtained in accordance with the strong anthropic principle that the universe must have properties that are favorable for the emergence of intelligent life. In their study, the scientist relied on the possibility of life by achieving the optimal ratio of chemical elements in galaxies.

On the one hand, the stars in the galaxies should produce enough heavy elements to form planets, on the other hand, these processes should not interfere with the formation of the important to life, organic compounds.

Curves describing the evolution of these elements intersect at a point most favorable for the origin of life. In his study, Valkovich was based on similar work of their colleagues, which was also called the timing of the origin of life in the Universe. In one of these articles, the authors believe that could have occurred 9.7 billion years ago.

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