Home / Incredible / Scientists: planet Kepler-62F could be habitable

Scientists: planet Kepler-62F could be habitable

Учёные: Планета Kepler-62F может быть обитаемаAstronomers continue to explore the cosmos in search of habitable planets.

The planet, named by astronomers Kepler-62F, the axis of which is located around the star Kepler-62, may be suitable for life, according to U.S. astronomers.

This hypothesis received the right to exist after the study, the basis of which was taken modeling specialists the physical conditions of the planet on the computer. As we know, Kepler-62 resides at a distance of 1.2 thousand light years from the Solar system.

However, she is considerably inferior to the Sun in size and is included in the list of the so-called orange dwarfs. As for the planet Kepler-62F, the researchers found it three years ago, but get to know her better was fairly easy, because the distance of the occupant of the space is too large, and it has become a big problem for astronomers in this matter.

The final data of the above-mentioned simulation, obtained by specialists working under the supervision of the scientist Amavi shields are based on data from the star Kepler-62, which appeared before and quite similar to data star systems, if judged by the basic parameters.

At the same time the shields do not hurry to assert that the possibility of the existence of life on the planet is tangible proof that there is already someone there.

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