Home / Incredible / Scientists : People are right-handed 1.8 million years ago

Scientists : People are right-handed 1.8 million years ago

Учёные : Люди стали правшами 1,8 миллиона лет назадThis conclusion experts have made after research of the jaws of the ancestors of the people.

Scientists claim that the right-hander appeared 1.8 million years ago. This is evidenced by the results of their long research.

During the examination of the skeleton of Tansey, aged 1.8 million years old, scientists have discovered a huge number of small and barely noticeable scratch in the right jaw and ground off the teeth on one side only. David fryer from the University of Kansas in Lawrence, said that this discovery indicates the existence of a developed right and left hemisphere millions of years ago. Scientists already knew that the ancestors were very much like us. As it turned out, these similarities concern not only the physical and external condition.

Today, I consider that the right hemisphere of the brain more developed than the left, because it is responsible for logic, for ability to solve difficult problems, thinking. In turn, the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity, oral and written language. David Frayer and other scientists who participated in the study through its opening made a huge progress in the history and science of mankind. Now thanks to people like them, people may be more accuracy to learn something new about their ancestors, which is an important factor.

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