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Let a slave in the galleys

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… in the USSR lived 5% of the world population, but every fourth scientist in the world worked in the USSR. In other words, Soviet scientists were almost 6 times (!) more than the world average. With such a numerical superiority of almost all the scientific discoveries from the second half of the twentieth century would have to be Soviet. In fact, practically zero.

I am so often forced to give his obsessive critics “moron” that finally came up with the idea to see who is the moron in the understanding of specialists in the understanding of psychiatrists? How and what morons are different from normal people?

According to Wikipedia, for the purposes of diagnosis, the psychiatrists found that “the debility or insanity (from lat. Debilis is “weak”, “weak”) is the weakest degree of mental retardation.

What do you mean “the weakest degree”?

In the encyclopedic description of the idiocy it is noted that a moron nothing looks no different from other people. It also has memory, however, specific – more or less complicated things a moron remembers and slowly and unsteadily, because moron is difficult to understand the logical relationship between objects. We can say that the moron reading the next paragraph, can’t remember what is written in the previous one – it is difficult to associate the thoughts of these paragraphs together. A moron dominated by concrete-descriptive type of thinking and almost no ability for abstract thinking, although moron is able to form simple generalizations.

Accordingly, according to psychiatrists: “the Most difficult to study subjects in school are physics and mathematics. This is understandable, since knowledge of the world requires you to imagine and abstraction – things in life can not be seen, for example, force, work, substance, molecule. No, you don’t think a moron is not stupid, he knows how to learn and memorize the definitions of these abstractions, but a moron is not their own, therefore the moron is not able to use abstraction in the process of thinking. Psychiatrists report that morons often easily adopt other people’s views and subsequently firmly adhere to them, there is a flaw in their own judgment. They are characterized by memorization of rules and expressions which template is used”.

Another sign of a moron this side of the problem, moron, is difficult to capture the situation as a whole, and usually the moron takes in information only the specifics and the outside events. For example, in politics is a moron who cannot appreciate the essence of a political movement for a moron all only determines appearance of the traffic – how many people to this movement joined. If a lot, then move right, if a little wrong.

As for specifics, for some reason, I remembered an episode at the time of the popular film “Formula of love”, which at dinner the count Cagliostro did a magic trick with a lit finger. In response to this focus, the doctor told case when a man carrying hay from a certain meadow, but fell from the top is loaded on the who stack and hit his head on the shaft. From this blow the man showered the sparks that ignited the cargo, and burned a whole load of beautiful alfalfa hay. And listening to this story aunt here said, but not the fact that sparks from the eyes, it is impossible to burn, and the fact that the meadow is growing clover, but only sedge.

And if you look at the morons in the abundance of grazing on different Internet sites, you will easily notice the manifestation of these properties of the moron many commentators. Commentators are morons not able to understand what is said in the comment on their material, and show your mind wants, therefore, are morons with no problems comment taken out of context this material an episode or a fact – morons take their discussion to what they think they understand.

But, of course, particularly like a moron discussing outside of the material, for example, the author, thus attempting to obscure consider myself the question this way — if the author is bad, then it means that he wrote wrong. What the author wrote is for the moron had remained a mystery.

A moron can be quite a large vocabulary, but usually morons can’t retell heard or read, in particular, is not able to use it in support of their claims. Attentive Internet users will notice it is easy for commentators to morons who dispute the proof do not make specific arguments, and send opponents to read books or watch some movies. And you know what they are, even if you’ve tried these sources to read or watch anything they do not understand and still not capable of these sources to justify what you want. Moronic: “Teach materiel!”, – favorite meme of the Internet moron.

Psychiatrists say that some morons are generously endowed, for example, excellent mechanical memory – ability to remember a lot without thinking what a moron remember. Here, some morons are able to quickly produce in the mind of arithmetic operations with multi-digit numbers may become outstanding artists or to have perfect pitch.

Morons highly developed negativism (one of the consequences of all mental illnesses from autism to schizophrenia). If a patient with negativity about something to ask, he will do the opposite. Incidentally, it follows that moron hard to explain even without his stupidity the moron in the paroxysm of his negativity just ain’t listening. For example, ask the moron to join a particular political movement, and the moron would absolutely refuse. On political websites “hanging out” is the mass of commentators, who for decades “authoritative” discuss and discuss politics, but never joined any single movement in which they were called. Then, of course, for many reasons, including infantilism, laziness and cowardice, but negativity should not be discounted.

However, if morons don’t see the appeal to him, they have increased suggestibility than today, and used by such institutions as “public opinion poll”. Tell the moron that 85% love Putin, and Putin would be a moron to truly love.

Morons “are capable of learning special programs based on specifically-visual training at a slow pace”, set by psychiatrists. Remember that 15 years ago I was surprised by the story of former colleagues about the change in methods of training workers. Back in the USSR, we wanted to make a work truly knowledgeable specialist teaching continuously working theories of their specialty. A colleague told me that it isn’t now – working make to automatism stupid to learn the movements that is required of him at work. Why and what does it do and what comes out of it – he can’t explain it, but he’s not interested. And idiots can master the simple profession, sometimes even very good. Psychiatrists noted that “their ability more than knowledge”.

Specifically-visual training easy to teach a moron to use, for example, a computer, impressive successes of morons driving a car – after all, the majority of current car owners are not smart enough to resolve and simplest the fault in the car, but over time, they are great car to run – perfectly and precisely click on the desired pedal and buttons.

But we picked the most complex example of the profession of a moron – the work of his hands, because really, if not stupidly executable instruction, you are crazy to work with your hands very difficult. Therefore, a real godsend for the moron are “mental labor,” and of such works from the second half of last century there was an unprecedented number.

A couple of words along the way. The trouble is that the division of labor has led to the fact that people not only have a vague idea about what people are doing in other fields, but have no idea what do those specialists, whom they considered. For example, a lot of people, which can present a diploma of the economist, but know only as stock slips to fill out. From such ignorance of the essence of the profession, the society is the respect to those professions which can easily perform the morons.

Take, for example, the work of the Deputy. At the command of the chief of the faction to press the correct button in turn to read from the podium that the assistant wrote. That’s his job. For such work it is not only the monkey good with this one and the rabbit will be fine.

And take science. After all, they believe that there are the most intelligent people. Where? So can only be considered a society, do not represent details of what scientists do. For example, in science, the principle that, say, “in science, there are no negative results.” That is, the “scientist” took the money, promising to get something useful, but not received. But found out that you can’t get what he promised, the stupid way I tried to. In science that neither happened – all good! In what other profession is there such a Paradise for morons?

Remember, in the USSR lived 5% of the world population, but every fourth scientist in the world worked in the USSR. In other words, Soviet scientists were almost 6 times (!) more than the world average. With such a numerical superiority of almost all the scientific discoveries from the second half of the twentieth century would have to be Soviet. In fact, practically zero. All the achievements attributed to science of the USSR, the achievements of engineers, scientists named. (For example, as it is called scientific achievements of the mechanicMikhail Kalashnikov, the outstanding doctor of technical Sciences). And this despite the 6-fold numerical superiority of Soviet scientists on the rest of the world! Imagine, how many morons Soviet science gave refuge to?

And now is the situation in almost all countries of the world (what is the next project).

If you put the question fundamentally, it is a “mental” work can be divided into those whose results are consumers who buy, and those results which are paid for by money taken from the consumer and spent without his consent.

The second type of occupations may include, for example, the work of journalists, but mainly include those works which are paid taken from the people by taxes. This and the aforementioned “scientists” and the army, and officials of all sorts, and more fundamentally, it is those works, the results of which employees are not liable. Here are some work IN WHICH the EMPLOYEE is NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR the RESULTS – and are a haven for morons.

Psychiatrists agree that morons can live independently”, but concluded that the morons“often requires guidance and support”. This can be seen now, but it was especially evident, for example, at the time of restructuring. After perestroika-“economists” have not carried out a restructuring as the fruit of their own mind, they are together referred to on the minds of West – sax, to Keynes. They do anything not been able. Young people today are unlikely to remember, but for the present its retardation and do not understand that the main argument of the destruction of the state economy of the USSR was the argument that workers in the public sector there is no freedom, and from private owners it is. Therefore, in the USSR only need to provide freedom for the private owner and the private owner, in the rage of competition, overwhelm us with high-quality goods. And we will be happy! In comparison with what it was in iberocruceros of the USSR, a kind of theoretical” common sense was.

However, it is interesting that none of those who advocated this market happiness (“scientists” and “journalists”), they themselves did not create a single enterprise and do not have flooded the market in competition with high-quality goods. Why?

Their debility it is not allowed. Every one of the “freedom singers”, ranging from such well-known asGaidar and Chubais, to the fine moron, got a job as a parasite on the neck of the state. To this day in business there is no progress and you can read: “Russia has offered Japan to build plants to produce liquefied natural gas (LNG) on Sakhalin and along the route of the gas pipeline “Power of Siberia”. This was announced by the Minister of economic development of the Russian Federation Alexey Ulyukaev in interview to TV channel NHK. In particular, the proposal made and the leadership Japan Drilling Company (JDC)”. The Ministry of economic development “Raska” so developing the economy “rashki”. To build themselves – “no tooth foot”. And before the morons in power or that they were not capable and now.

Similarly, trained in modern schools the youth is not going to become free entrepreneurs, and the whole crowd goes under chiefs. Everyone is trying to be police officers, judges, prosecutors, any kind of officials or find yourself licking ass General in the army.

It is still important. Due to lack of mental development, one would expect that the morons are inactive and no longer listen to smart people, with the aim to grow wiser. Nothing of the sort! Due to the above mentioned ability to remember various rules and formulaic expressions and to use them, morons “are inclined to teach other people and often talk about what you do not understand (the so-called “salon morons”)”. There are psychiatrists, there is no need as examples to point the finger at “the talking heads on TV,” any Internet user will cite the example of the moronic commentators, who teach others what they themselves do not understand. However, they do not understand that do not understand what is taught. Morons, sir.

Because the mind of a moron not loaded with reflection on the complex things, that psychiatrists consider morons “strengthening primitive instincts, particularly libido, accompanied by uncool behavior.” I can’t say what morons some very strong sexual attraction – it just is not visible. But what favorite talking morons that talk “about sex”, and the fact that today the information space is filled with tools for Masturbation is undeniable. And finally, it is impossible to disprove the fact established by psychiatrists: “All interests suffering from debility are mainly concentrated on the satisfaction of instincts (food and sex), as well as its appearance.”

The Internet morons the appearance and names secret, but what Nicky! What avatars!

It is clear.

But how have these people?

I repeat what I wrote repeatedly. Once, long ago, I had to speak at the seminar of the newspaper “Knowledge is power” and there to listen to the speaker, who spoke about the sociological experiment conducted 40-50 years ago, according to the speaker, sociologist Glushko. The essence of the experiment: subjects were allowed to read a simplified version of a newspaper article and then asked to retell the content of the article and the goal that has set itself the author, by writing it. So, even then, 50 years ago, the content of the article could tell only 14% of the subjects, and the goal of understand – 8%. Moreover, no matter no education, no social status – and the janitors and the academics percentages were the same. But it was 40 or 50 years ago, and how much understanding now?

However, if the number of people carrying all of the above signs debilizma, is so huge, the question arises – why therefore, to consider these people sick? If the man had grown on the head and painted red tuft of hair, or if the other person is fighting for freedom…racial wedding publicly, or if some commentators climb on the websites for the sole purpose to prove that the authors of stupid sites, then maybe these Papuans and commentators and are not morons and normal people? But only freely expressing their “independent” opinions and desires? Are they all sick?

Here you need to understand that this disease was identified in an independent French psychiatristValentin Magnan with the back in 1890. Magnan, correctly seeing in mental retardation manifestation of degeneration (degeneration) of mankind, divided degenerates to:

– stupid (actually morons),
– Imbeciles;
– and idiots.

As you can see, half a century ago, morons, despite the mild form of idiocy, was evident, but then morons conspicuous not in themselves, but against normal people. And if today’s morons in both, it is precisely because of this – because of a sharp reduction in the background of normal people. Today on the contrary is full of mentally striking against the background of morons.

And the question remains – why?

I recommend this question to look for the answer in the goal of Nature – why people? What is the Nature of the people need? Answer: the mind of the person and the property of the mind to join in the collective mind of Nature, then to solve the problems of Nature. To solve the problem!!

What does it mean to be smart? It is the ability to solve problems with his mind. Nature can’t make people smart – have no Nature any tools for this, at least, nothing for this in Nature is not visible. No pills, no drops, which the man drank and became smart. There are no books from remembering the contents of which will be smart. The mind needs to hone. But on what? The answer is – on the touchstone of the decision facing you problems.

And what makes the human masses to solve problems, not to use ready-made recipes?

The responsibility for the wrong decision of these problems. That is the FEAR of PUNISHMENT for what you did not solve the problem. You’re his punishment for a recipe is not passed, the punishment for your own skin will be, even though you cry cry that you were so taught at the Institute.

But at the end of the XIX century the number of people who are not personally responsible for the results of his mind, it was miserable. The majority of people were afraid of punishment for the mistakes of their mind and therefore improving the mind. The farmer for the errors of your mind could pay a poor harvest and hunger, the merchant – ruin, artisan – inability to sell the product. And even a gentleman, in the constant wars of those centuries, had himself to think about problems, not to die in the first battle. In those ages the majority of people had to be smart, moron, as befits the unfortunate patient stood out against their background.

And now in all countries the masses of people engaged in activities in which the results of the mistakes of their mind these people are not affected. These people are not responsible for their stupidity. Stupidly fulfill the specified heads in the orders and instructions, not even wondering where it will lead. They LIVE in someone else’s MIND and therefore their own mind become worthless, they become who half a century ago was considered mentally ill moron.

Moreover, dummies for posts fools are prepared from childhood. Preparing the fact that today children taken responsibility for their mistakes, the child’s mind. Let me remind you that for children (and for animals) the only real liability is spanking is physical punishment. Idiots pedagogy banned spanking, and now humanity is raising morons right from infancy. Children are taught from childhood that error of their mind they not only punishment, but nothing unpleasant will not.

It is sometimes said that man makes a slave of some “chains” that “chained to the oars in the galleys.” In fact, the main chain is such a stupid slave. Not knowing what to do in certain cases, and to fear that he was in error will follow a heavy punishment (e.g., death by starvation), the slave prefers to have the owner, the orders of which stupidly performs. He prefers to be a slave! Galley slave for punishment only the “second” and first, for the galley slave – the asylum! The moron does not need the freedom of a moron freedom is death!

With me do not agree, it is obvious that morons hate the job because of retardation are not able to get pleasure from work. So the moron is obliged to hate the galley. But you never know what morons hate? It is just a moron! This intelligent man is not easy to use, and the moron is extremely primitive weapons – the lazy obstinacy, so the moron is not hard to handle. So what donkeys are wayward, but those owners have learned to make it work. Yes, of course, for the moron, the real ideal is doing nothing, it’s a freebie! But if the freebie does not work, then without a master moron can not live.

Do a thought experiment. Tear off the computers of all our intellectuals and bring them into one area, say, Krasnodar Krai, seed stocks, with a working equipment of the plants with properly functioning equipment and machines. And offer them full freedom no bosses. And invite them in his “state intellectuals” to do whatever I see fit. The idea is that they will become rich, but actually they will die of hunger and not even because do not know how, but because they will be unable to think of anything my untrained thinking mind. So, again, for the morons one way out – to be a slave, to have someone whose orders to obey.

Here, by the way, is a sharp rejection of the morons of the act proposed for enactment by referendum IGPR CALL. For the moron that is inconceivable – as it is, moron, this law will appreciate a good boss or bad? It’s still something to offer to a moron to become a master, to live with your mind, where is he this mind will take it if the chief would not? How would he know, for example, when a liberal should be, and when a patriot?

Interesting was the point of moronic to protest against the law IGPR CALL. Morons are worried about is not their own participation in the evaluation of results of work of deputies, and that under such conditions, nobody in the MPs will not go! Worried about the well-being of the owner! How so? His galley would not be an overseer with a whip! Morons squealed with indignation.

And since we are talking about the host, there’s a caveat.

The moron does not need a leader, namely the owner, and here’s why. The leader goes voluntarily – this choice is made by the mind, and going for a leader remains responsible for the choice, because he went in the direction of the leader. Then you need to think and think, to follow the leader or not?

And the boss is not — the owner drives you to wherever the owner wants! But feeding and gives fun! When you host you need to think not even about the choice of direction.

But moron is what we need!

Chain him to the oar in the galley and put on him a master of the whip. A moron will be happy!

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