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Scientists: Married women stay young longer

Ученые: Замужние женщины дольше остаются молодымиExperts have found another advantage of family life for women.

Scientists from Denmark found the woman who is married, looks for at least two years younger than their single peers.

This conclusion is allowed to make a study of photos of almost two thousand twins, who retired.

Thus, the experts managed to establish, a woman who is in a conjugal relationship, almost always looks about two years younger than their peers, not married. The main reason scientists believe that married women are less prone to fits of apathy, with greater confidence look to the future and have a better financial situation. With the advent of children, the picture, however, changes somewhat in favor of childless singles.

Men have approximately a similar pattern, but the children on their appearance have little impact. In the experiment set if the number of children in the family not more than three, the father is no less than one year younger than her unmarried peers.

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