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Scientists made a sensational statement about the origin of the Earth

Ученые сделали сенсационное заявление о происхождении ЗемлиNew discovery changes the view about the origin of our planet.

Canadian researchers from the University of Western Ontario confirmed the theory that all objects in the Solar system, including Earth, formed from substances that have a common origin.

The data obtained showed that at the turn of the formation of the Solar system the young Earth and other objects had a common isotope called neodymium-142.

In the earth’s crust has a large number of neodymium-142. Basically, it is used in the manufacture of audio equipment such as headphones and microphones.

Such information managed to get by using thermal ionization mass spectrometry, there is an element in the earth’s crust and is commonly used by mankind.

The results of the study suggest that the substance of the Earth and other planetary objects at the chemical composition has a similar origin.

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