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Dispelled a popular myth about the origin of the Earth

Развеян популярный миф о происхождении ЗемлиEarth has a common chemical lineage with other planets of the Solar system.

Researchers from the U.S. Lawrence Livermore national laboratory (Livermore National Laboratory) dispelled one of the most popular myths about the origin of the Earth. They found that planet, contrary to popular belief, is not composed of the same material as primitive meteorites (chondrites). A study published in the journal Nature.

To such conclusions they came to from studying the content of isotopes of neodymium (Nd). In particular, it was found that in meteorites, the isotope neodymium-142 is much less than, for example, in the mountainous surface of the planet. Moreover, such differences in isotope already present in the formation of the Earth.

This may mean that the Earth is a common chemical lineage with other planets of the Solar system. However, she was formed from a material with a much richer content of neodymium than in chondrites.

Along the way, researchers have refuted the hypothesis of the existence in the depths of the Earth hidden reservoir of neodymium or of an excess of the isotope neodymium-146, which in the decay could turn into a neodymium-142.

Earth was formed about 4,54 billion years ago by accretion from the protoplanetary disk, disk-like mass of gas and dust left over from the formation of the Sun.

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