Home / Incredible / Scientists have proved that teeth can tell us about the lack of sunlight

Scientists have proved that teeth can tell us about the lack of sunlight

Ученые доказали, что зубы способны рассказать о нехватке солнечного светаVitamin D deficiency can be found hundreds of years later, the structure of the teeth can tell about the life and problems of people during his lifetime.

If you hold a logical chain, we can see the full connection of all components.

For example, scientists were able to detect the dentin, which is able to tell about the process of teeth growth and also the human problems that were in his life time. This component is able to talk about the lack of vitamin D, which is directly associated with rickets, indicating the absence of sunlight. You should consider the fact that this substance can be in more than half the world’s population, which in turn also affects the condition of human skin.

To detect how much light was the share of people at one time or another now is not difficult, so it may become an assistant to implement the historical model of our planet.

People and can independently understand, if he sunlight, for this, the scientists said on associated symptoms: bone deformation, pain sensation, and the inability to achieve the necessary level of bone tissue.

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