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Scientists have invented a camera that fit in a syringe

Ученые изобрели микрокамеру, помещающуюся в шприцIt can be put into the needle of the syringe and enter the human body.

Scientists from Stuttgart University have developed a unique video camera that the size is not more grain. This was reported by Western news agencies.

Experts said that in the future I plan to use his invention for medical imaging. Currently, the device weighing less than 0.3 gram is in the preliminary tests, the results of which will be made the decision to experiment on people.

Camera is an optical device with a microscopic lens connected to the module using two nano-wires, size of human hair. The machine can be used for examination of the human body difficult to access. Experts said that he created his invention using a three-dimensional printer. Lenses for it are made by laser devices.

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