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Named the basic rules of hair care

Названы основные правила ухода за волосамиWhen you look at the person, really pay attention to how his hair looks.

If hair properly, picking up a special makeup, depending on the type of hair, you can achieve a perfect result.

There are three types of hair:

• Dyed your hair: After applying dye, the hair becomes brittle and scarred. Therefore, they require special care. The hair began to further break down and dry out. For this you need to use special hair after dyeing.

• Dry hair: People who suffer from dryness of the hair, know how not just to cope with your hair. Due to the fact that hair is constantly in fuzziness and absolutely will not listen. To cope with this problem, you need to use special moisturizer. And then, you will see how your hair will be soft and manageable.

• Oily hair: In the first place, there are products for oily hair. These funds are mainly made from natural ingredients that are good for the hair. Because basically the hair become oily at the roots, so care for this type of hair needs to be special.

The three rules of hair care:

1. To comb the hair. Before washing your hair you should always comb your hair. You can not comb wet hair. Short hair comb from the roots, and long hair.

2. The hair wash. Water temperature when washing hair, should not exceed 36 degrees. Shampoo for hair apply and massage after mixing it with small amount of water on the palm. Then shampoo to rinse well with water. You can then apply the balm. Wet hair wrapped in a towel, but not wipe, as this may disrupt the structure of the hair.

3. Drying of hair. Best hair dry without Hairdryer. But if the need arises, it is necessary to use special protective means for the hair. The Hairdryer in any case, can not be close to bring to hair.

If you apply these rules, your hair will always look gorgeous.

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