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Doctors told how to deal with baldness

Врачи подсказали, как бороться с облысениемIn the age hair loss is guilty of damage to a single gene, scientists have found.

Can women suffer from baldness “male” type, does burdock oil hair growth and that the total mouse and human.

Where does a bald head
Baldness is often associated with problems that affect only men in hair loss accuse the male hormone testosterone. This “male” hair loss is a disease and is called “androgenic alopecia”. Scientists from the University of Granada believe that early hair loss should be to men a Wake-up call: what it says about a possible increase in prostate cancer, and hair loss after 50 years is directly related to BPH.

However, women with hair loss suffer can also, but in their case, it indicates the presence of hormonal imbalance and need to seek help to the doctor-endocrinologist.

The imbalance of hormones is aggravated by heredity. You should pay attention, at what age have started to lose hair your close relatives. In 2010, scientists from Columbia University published an article in the journal Nature, in which he spoke about for the first time discovered the genes that cause hair loss. The researchers were able to establish that these genes influence the occurrence of other diseases, such as arthritis or diabetes.

Serious diseases can also cause baldness. Most often, hair loss can occur after undergoing disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and researchers from the University of Granada have proven that hair may fall out even after cured of diseases of the teeth.

Save is burdock oil?
Folk medicine has long developed their own tools to combat baldness. Perhaps the most famous of them — a burdock or a decoction of onions. Traditional healers believe that, rubbing remedies into the roots of the hair, you can restore all the disrupted processes in the body that are most often associated with hormone imbalances. Another “helper” in the fight against hair loss — castor oil — is on the pharmacy shelves with expensive masks and lotions.

Unfortunately, most of the external funds provide only external effect for the first time after application.

After watching the defeat carers, serious medicine offered their own methods of getting rid of alopecia. In 1939 a Japanese doctor Okuda, Sowi first published results of the work performed hair transplant. Remember that the hair transplant procedure is expensive — only visually eliminates the problem of baldness, but does not eliminate its causes. That is why every patient should ask professionals for individual treatment, which will allow to cope with abnormal hormonal level.

Not only hormones, but also genes
Age-related hair loss that is aging will begin to bother each person, made by Japanese and Dutch scholars to reexamine its causes. Until now, the aging mechanisms are unexplored to the fullest. Trying to determine the cause of thinning and loss of hair in mammals, the scientists conducted a series of experiments on mice. The details of the survey can be found in the journal Science.

The researchers took some individuals rodents before the age of eight weeks and began tracking age-related changes in their body. It was found that the first signs of deterioration in the hairline appear after 16 months after birth, become more visible to 18 months and quite obvious by age two.

Most mice lose their hairs on the surface of the back. The researchers noticed that in areas of the body with the greatest loss of the hairs never grow back.

The analysis of the cells of the dermis showed a decrease in the number of hair follicles in the first year of life mice. The follicle is the hair root is surrounded by sebaceous and sweat glands sometimes. Exploring the status of hair follicles in different periods of life of mice, scientists have shared their development cycle into five parts. In the first stage, the hair follicle has a regular structure and size. On the second stage have small reduce the size of the follicle. To the third stage it starts to more significantly decrease in size, but the hair shaft is still. In the fourth stage, the destruction continues, but the sebaceous glands are still present. For the final stage, the hair falls out without the possibility of recovery.

By comparing the data with the state of the hair follicles of a person, scientists have found that changes in the follicles in humans occur similarly.

The study of stem cells of the hair follicle of mice led to the conclusion that hair loss is due to the fact that the DNA of stem cells damaged, and especially strongly suffers the gene Col17a1. It damage of this gene and cause baldness, not only in mice, further work showed that the same gene is responsible for hair loss in people. Discovery scientists means that now researchers offer a new way to develop drugs against age-related baldness.

How to save hair

As you know, any disease it is best to prevent than to treat. Nonfatal, but unpleasant amount of hair remaining on the comb can be caused by damage to the follicles due to the lack of vitamins.
The hair follicles are especially in need of vitamins B1, B5 and B10.

In cold weather doctors advise to wear hats, not to peremanivat hair follicles. But heat is not necessary: you should wash your head warm, but not hot water.

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