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Rapid weight loss: tips from celebrities

Экспресс-похудение: подсказки от знаменитостейTo quickly lose weight, it is logical to use the experiences of celebrities who know a lot about the rapid weight loss.

Stars are people just like everyone, so they are not alien to the desire to eat something tasty. But unlike ordinary people, celebrities need to always look perfect. Extra fold of skin on the belly or double chin, and the worst cellulite, can badly hurt the star and her reputation. Therefore, almost all the stars of regular sitting on a diet. Some of them even have their own techniques which they develop independently for themselves or with the help of nutritionists, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Correspondent.

Many stars, like Hollywood and Ukrainian, I prefer to be vegetarian. In their view, the rejection of meat allows them to keep youth for a long time, and also not to get better, which is very important for a public figure. There are those who are raw foodists, they do not bother about the cooking, using all fresh products.

Larisa Dolina, for example, created his diet, which gave the name “Kefir”. It is based on the following principles:

1 day: you can eat only potatoes and drink 0.5 liters of yogurt.

Day 2: again, yogurt 500 ml and 200 ml low-fat sour cream.

3rd day: half liter of yogurt and 150-200 g of curd.

Day 4: boiled chicken breast without skin 300 g and 0.5 l of yogurt.

Day 5: fat-free yogurt 500 ml, 1 kg green apples.

Day 6: 1 liter of yogurt.

Day 7: water without restrictions, but not less than 2 liters.

Hollywood actors who wish to lose weight quickly, prefer to eat this:

Breakfast: Cup of organic coffee without sugar, 2 eggs “hard boiled”, 2-3 tomato.

Lunch: about 300 gr of meat baked, salad from fresh vegetables and herbs.

Dinner: green tea without sugar and 1 carrot cake.

The second Breakfast and afternoon snack: 1 handful of nuts or unsweetened fruit.

Each for himself can choose one or another diet that has become popular due to the fact that it was sitting in some star of the film industry or show business. Most importantly, according to celebrities, to prevent too much weight gain and in time to take himself in hand, otherwise to lose weight it will be much harder than the pounds were added. To repeat the experience of Renee Zellweger, which for the role then lost weight, then gained 20-30 kg, not to everyone under force, therefore not worth too much afford in terms of food. The actress already told the whole world, what she’s going through when she experimented with diets for weight loss and weight gain, in General, nothing good health is not over.

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