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Products, relieves spasms in the stomach

Продукты, снимающие спазм в желудкеThere are at least seven food, relieves spasms in the stomach.

State when the shackle stomach cramps, you can not live fully and enjoy life. These pains are aching in nature, which constantly accompany you and dampen the appetite, which only aggravates the condition of the patient’s stomach or pancreas.

Gastroenterologists after research of the composition of many food products have come to the conclusion that there are foods that are not only easy to digest, but also effectively relieve stomach cramps.


They should have those people who suffer from seizures stomach, ulcer, erosions of the mucosa, gastritis. The fact that bananas have a soft and delicate texture that will be easy to handle the stomach.


Papaya contains cellulose and also has a soft structure, which has a sedative effect on the linings of the stomach, which is easy to digest the fruit. Also, the papaya includes enzymes and antioxidants which is help to remove spasms.

White rice

This food product contains large amounts of starch which coats the stomach walls, protecting them from the harmful effects already eaten food. Also, rice is easy to digest and reduces stomach pain.


It is a versatile product that can and should be used almost everywhere – both as a spice and as a ginger sauce for salad dressing and drinks. Ginger helps with nausea and vomiting.


It is well known that Apple peel is irritating. But you can cook porridge or Apple puree. Pectin contained in apples, reduces pain in the stomach and improves the overall condition, reducing the level of harmful cholesterol and regulating glucose levels in the blood.

Green tea and herbs

In the form of herbal teas contains all the most useful and pure ingredients, enzymes, antioxidants, which can cure not only the stomach but also the intestines. Herbal tea is very helpful for symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux.


This fermented product contains useful live bacteria that help the proper digestion, which significantly prevents diseases, speeds up the exchange of the substance and reduces flatulence

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