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Left alone pepelko

Left alone pepelko Hello! I write to you in connection with the approaching anniversary of the defeat of the Soviet Union. Is already 25 years as we are all unreasonable, have lost our great state of workers, peasants and working intellectuals. How it all began? For me started here. 1986 …

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Comment: Syria is no more

In Syria, Russia is fighting in the ruins of the state, the process of disintegration which started long before Putin, and the death which was almost inevitable, says Russian journalist Konstantin Eggert. Frames mockery of Syrians over the bodies of Russian officers who were shot down in Idlib helicopter is …

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Why Ukraine is not threatened by ISIS?

http://politikus.ru/articles/81779-pochemu-ukraine-ne-ugrozhaet-igil.html Why Ukraine is not threatened by ISIS? +10 Today, 12:11 • Publ.: Arina Matveeva • Cont.: 2638 • Comm.: 11 • Articles For the first time the Islamic state has declared itself in 2006. Then still nobody suspected the extent of future problems associated with it. Today ISIS (is …

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Provoking Russia

Do the leaders of European countries-members of NATO intend to follow the example of josé Manuel Barroso, who, after his presidency at the European Commission, a lobbyist for Goldman Sachs /Goldman Sachs/? Maybe they used the NATO summit in order to prepare the transition to work at General dynamics, Much” …

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Russia is inspired by China “people’s war”

  China wants to repeat the success of the Crimean scenario in South-East Asia Andrey Ivanov <source srcset=”/p/153682/m-153682.jpg” media=”(min-width: 428px) and (max-width: 671px)”/><source srcset=”/p/153682/l-153682.jpg” media=”(min-width: 672px)”/> Photo: Zuma/ TASS The China’s defense Minister Chang Wanquan called on his countrymen to prepare for “people’s war at sea to protect sovereignty of …

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Washington asks Moscow to forget about the revenge

As previously reported, on 1 August over the Syrian province of Idlib by ground fire shot down returning from a humanitarian mission in Aleppo, the Russian Mi-8 helicopter, on Board of which there were three crew members and two officers of the Centre for reconciliation. No one survived. As the …

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Scientist advised Mikhalkov stop “to carry the dill with screen

      Scientist biophysicist, member of the Board of the Soros Foundation Valery Soyfer criticised the famous Director Nikita Mikhalkov, who accused the American financier in the action on the “collapse of Russia”. At the request of the”Open Russia”, scientists in Washington found Karina Orlova. She recorded the response …

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