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Physicists have learned to recognize ultra-compact stars and black holes

Физики научились распознавать сверхкомпактные звезды и черные дырыThe research staff learned to distinguish between black holes and other compact objects in outer space in light “necklace”

Researchers from MIPT, ITEP, and HSE was able to characterize the method by which it will be able to distinguish a black hole from a compact massive objects.

In order to identify the object, it is necessary to investigate the energy spectrum of particles that move close: in the first case it will be continuous and the second discrete.

Experts have studied the scalar quantum field on the background of a black hole and a compact object and identified several differences. Regarding the background collapsible object — the black hole bound States is not observed, but on the background of the compact — they’re caught.

It is known that near the surface of ultra-compact stars with a radius slightly greater than the Schwarzschild radius, there is a “alleged pit”, that is, the area of the space in which the particles penetrate fall in a gravitational “trap”. In this case it is necessary to identify the spectrum of particles in the pit. Sometimes it can be discrete, indicating the presence of energy.

Note that work is only an assumption, since the professors no way to trace the spectra of the particles close to possible black holes.

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