Alexei Melnikov: “Seconomic”

“Economy “of capitalism cronies” like muddy slush. All here obliquely, crookedly. Except for the wolf’s interest and appetite of the authorities. As a result of muddy, foamy, storm waves “public participation”, “national interests” comes up in the mist of some snow-white yacht “Princess Olga”, seeking the run away from the …

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Washington went insane and ready for anything

American politician about the Imperial ambitions that threaten the world It already looks pretty ominous. Washington’s war Party is furious and, it seems, decided not to stop at nothing in terms of provocations against Putin’s Russia, and many others. The recent termination of cooperation in Syria that took place on …

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The authors Pokemon Go sued

A resident of a small canadian town of Torrington Barbara-Lynn Sheaffer sued the creators gaining enormous popularity games Pokemon Go – company Niantic Inc. She accused the sponsors that they are by the players violate her right to privacy. “I can look out the window in the morning and see …

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Deutsche Bank is getting rid of staff and unreliable ruble

Foreign banks are confident that “wooden” has reached its maximum. Foreign banks operating in the Russian market, say goodbye to the ruble. They believe that the course “wooden” reached its maximum and, at least until the end of the year will not grow. On the contrary, our currency soon will …

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