Home / Incredible / On the icy moon of Saturn – Enceladus the search for life continues

On the icy moon of Saturn – Enceladus the search for life continues

На ледяном спутнике Сатурна - Энцеладе поиск жизни продолжаетсяUnder the ice on this moon is the world’s oceans, and cracked, from which jets of water vapor spewing out into space.

Cassini can’t try these emissions, it tools do not meet needs, because when it was designed, scientists knew that Enceladus has geysers.

With all this, even when scientists will plan the next mission, they will continue to collect data from Cassini, as it has been for many years opens the door to numerous probes designed to explore the oceans in the outer Solar system – said the angel Stick.

She thinks Cassini is a very successful device, but like all cosmic structure, gave the world few answers and many questions. It remains to wait for new research and hope that they will be able to give clues.

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