Home / Incredible / Neuroscientist have managed to grow human brain from the skin

Neuroscientist have managed to grow human brain from the skin

Нейробиологу удалось вырастить человеческий мозг из кожиBritish neuroscientist raised the human brain from the skin.

The microscopic copy of the main body were obtained in a conventional Petri dish. Scientific work was conducted in one of the laboratories of Cambridge. The author of the most complicated scientific experiment became a neuroscientist Madeline Lancaster.

According to the expert, since childhood it captures everything about the human brain, and lit this spark of the father of the researcher, who, being a scientist, told her about the neural network. Obsessed with the desire to know the secrets of the human brain, Madeline Lancaster decided to grow it artificially in the laboratory. Due to the fact that the body consists of a huge number of neurons connected by synapses, it is a complicated network, which can be studied in theory, so the judge decided to grow a microscopic brain.

To succeed, a neuroscientist resorted to the use of stem cells from skin samples of treated certain vitamins and nutrients. The material was then placed in a Biogel for growing. Madeline stressed that grown her brain is not capable of feelings and sensations.

However, the resulting model can help science to understand the details of such problems as schizophrenia and autism, as well as in other neurotic disorders

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