Home / Incredible / Near Stonehenge have discovered the remains of an ancient domestic dog

Near Stonehenge have discovered the remains of an ancient domestic dog

Вблизи Стоунхенджа обнаружили останки древней домашней собакиScientists from the University of Buckingham has made an amazing discovery.

Found at Stonehenge, an ancient domestic dog.

Animal remains are well preserved, allowing scientists to explore them. The authors of the scientific work made by experts from the University of archaeology in the West of England.

According to scientists, the dog was discovered about Stonehenge, on the territory of the ancient settlement. Experts previously estimated the animal’s age 7 000 years. The results of the study of well-preserved remains of the dog say that the more it ate meat and fish. In addition, the experts examined the teeth of the animal suggested that it was homemade and did not participate in hunting and other Affairs of the week man at that time.

The study also showed that people who led a sedentary life in the ancient settlement, in which found the dog, as a rule, if salmon and bison. In addition, the latter used in rituals involving feasting with cooking meat on the fire.

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