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The law on “resources”

Yes, Yes, all about that ill-fated law. It’s been six years since adopted, was the law about hunting in Russia. And despite numerous protests of ordinary hunters, wildlife managers and scientists about the unsuitability of this document, the government laid the ears, and pretends that everything is normal, and what you can live with ugly. It was clear that from the very beginning, with names of the law itself. it was written absolutely ignorant people who barely know the top something about hunting or hunting..

Why hunting animals and birds began to call resources. The resource is a word of French and is primarily used in money applications, as well as in the art , for example, motor lifetime 5,000 hours, or in the Geology resources of the country in mineral resources in million tons, cubic kilometers, and so on. And if one hunter would say to another: “Come, tomorrow’s hunting resources.” The listener’s mouth will open and will answer here for ducks, hares and a bear we will go , and the resources may hunt Medvedev, the former President of Russia. Is it the act of hunting animals and birds in resources renamed. And here is the money, watch, tons, cubic kilometers stirred and bestowed on them vast, but dead, the term “resources”. So the hunting law of the Russian Federation in 2009, and pulls the dead And renamed the militia to the police and played with the time zones. One more year in this position he stayed and issued a decree that the sun rose in the West. But was not given, said that last kink. But in a large office left. In these times it should be. So let’s investigate what’s ruining the hunting economy of Russia.

The first position, and it is perhaps the most important: who in Russia can become a hunter. The title of the hunter applied a lot of responsibilities and rights. The first right that wants ispolovat person wishing to become a hunter, the acquisition of firearms. Firearms -the object of increased danger and the person entitled to acquire it, must know safety precautions handling and ammunition. Without this knowledge he should not get the authorization to acquire the dangerous subject. Refer to another example. What is the citizen of the Russian Federation, when buying a car. Picked up the car, paid the money, and go on it personally if he doesn’t have a right to drive a car. The car, as it is known, also the object of increased danger and therefore, in order personally to use, you must obtain all the same rights. And if not, hire a driver that has these rights, or friend or family member with the rights.. And as such get right and how much time and money it costs, you know better than all motorists. But in the case of the weapon even harder to Use it…maybe only the owner, as a separate law on weapons transfer weapons to another person is prohibited. What about firearms in our law that the danger is not inferior to the car. All irresponsible and simplified to ugliness. People only have to see hunting low, i.e. twitched his eyes over the lines and that’s enough. And hundreds of questions that need to know “by heart”, every member in the hunting fraternity. And, there is not only safety in handling of firearms, equipment and ammunition, the treatment must know the prospective hunter.. He must know all the birds and beasts, which he can and has the right to hunt. And tens and hundreds of types, varying in sex , age, time of year and other characteristics, including beneficial, neutral and Endangered species. Etc.

All hunting at least I not going to rewrite. But I hope this is enough to show a novice hunter that is a complex, multifaceted and voluminous document that requires “rookie” serious knowledge, the verification of which can only be the examination before the Commission consisting of competent people. As reported recently in the horn, at a meeting in the MNR consent on the petition before the state Duma about the inclusion of necessary changes to the wording of the hunting law on the issue of hunting low is done. And it only shows that with the adoption of the law on hunting and the hunting economy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation showed the greatest ignorance and the ultimate frivolity. In this regard, I recall one credible, televised case. Discussing the egregious case of poaching in the Altai, when the group of deputies of the state Duma, headed by a representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the state Duma, was shot in the mountains with a helicopter a few endangered Marco Polo sheep. So one lady, of course the Deputy, exclaimed: “Oh, they’re hunters!” And none of deputies didn’t correct her that this is hard-core poachers, more typical criminals, who, using his official position, violated all existing hunting and criminal laws of the Russian Federation. The state Duma in this case looked like the top indecency. And, despite the death of the people, and the helicopter carefully caved. Slogan: “Its not pass!”. And we’re still waiting for the state Duma from a just and correct laws on hunting and hunting economy. But the deputies who composed the modern hunting law and put it into life in Russia from the beginning, giving the right to a ignorant person on the purchase. firearms had subjected his life and the lives of others in mortal danger. And it’s called the deputies of the state Duma . Who would You chose?! Competent honest reasonable people could not write and vote for such a law.

The second disgrace in the hunting law in the Russian Federation, deprivation of the right of employees of the public hunting organizations (Rangers, wildlife managers, Directors) to check the documents of persons on the territory of their farms for hunting. As well as to inspect personal belongings and vehicles, and in the case of violation of hunting legislation, to draw up reports in the future to transfer them to goskomrezerv or the police. Thus, several thousand units have reduced Supervisory and monitoring function in the face of full-time employees of the public hunting organizations. Moreover, they are not spent on salaries of state money. Essentially turned them into observers of the outrages, open poaching and other violations of the law. Do not allow people to protect personal or leased property. Almost thieves and poachers were allowed with impunity to make their case. Give me the state.in which a person is forbidden to fight for their property, which they steal in front of him. They say to him, call the police or the district wildlife Manager (if there is one), for tens or even hundreds of miles off-road and in the woods. But violators are not simple, and all as a rule, with real weapons, not replicas. N here, got the drafters of the law with a legal scrap and all mutilated, having no idea about the facts.

But there was still the hunting public inspection in the face of voluntary active Amateur hunter. These people picked up regional game Manager, then was responsible for their actions. These candidates then claimed in the local authorities (Executive committees) and issued uniform and ID badge. They had the right to check the documents of people with guns hunting in the wetlands , but most often did it using the game Manager and served as informants on the existing poaching. Very often, public inspectors were pensioners, former employees of bodies of internal Affairs, state security, retired military, employees of civil service who returned to his birthplace and wanted there to restore order. And it was free for the state and society help in the conservation of many thousands of voluntary helpers, which now are called volunteers. Thus, under the control of the fall the whole area. And for vast territories of Russia it was an indispensable aid in the fight against violators of hunting laws. But the current government steals too much and is clearly afraid of scrutiny and, just didn’t put it in mongrel hunting law in the Russian Federation. Like she doesn’t need Russia, and hunting. Who would write such a law –only a poacher, but simply a thief or a criminal, so called my former chief of a Central Board of all poachers.. Politically correct figures from the state Duma will scream that I have no right to call someone a criminal before his judge “the fairest” court in the world. But it happens so clearly, especially through the media, in other words, this human subject and not to be named. Basically the current government is frankly only imitate the fight against corruption and even arresting governors and generals, And only when they are “not ours”, ie not the Kremlin. And so the secret ordenar will hang and under the Amnesty will fail again and leave in a managerial position.

What is poornasya case Serdyukov – Vasiliev, Moscow regional prosecutors or sneaker-Deputy Mitrofanov, ladies, former Minister of agriculture of the Russian Federation, safely at your own Villa warming the bones on the southern shore of the Mediterranean elite of France. Swiss police discovered in its accounts 60 million francs. And our Prosecutor’s office just wondered. Even more surprising, the ease with which it thieves before arrest or the threat disappears abroad. Without the FSB it is not complete. It makes you want to cry: Glory to KGB! Thieves and you name it, and it is not our task because we can only poaching and all. But back to the evils of hunting, which the authorities do not pay attention. Or pay so that it would not pay. Again, I turn to the flawed law on hunting .4 years later appeared in the “Law on hunting…”No. 365 dated 27.12. 2009 change from 23.07. 2013 No. 201 – FZ, which entered the post production hunting inspector ( article 41 paragraph 3)., which carries out industrial hunting control. Where do these production inspectors? Judging by the content of paragraph 4 of article 41 of the candidate in manufacturing hunting inspectors may be employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, related to the employment contract. Therefore, no legal Lea or individual entrepreneurs manufacturing hunting inspectors are not rights and they do not possess., it turns out obvious nonsense: the owner or boss does not have the rights owned by the subordinate employee. Supervision, if it is carried out, requires much effort, knowledge of the laws and hunting regulations, honesty and integrity. Often ends in conflicts with the audited persons. The inspector should be independent from the audited citizens.. And if his master, with whom he has concluded an employment contract due to the poaching, which can be pretty often, and our principled and honest ohotinspektoram dared the offender to act up. For starters, our feelings will lose their jobs.

Therefore, the appointment of the labour inspector of his owners is nothing but a meaningless piece of paper. This raises lots of other issues. In article 41 of our law, nothing is said about what is included in the program of preparation of the production of hunting inspectors and who provides the training and pays for it. On what conditions production ohotinspektoram operates? Does he transport, fuel, clothing, etc. Works alone or with a partner. The author, who wrote in article 41 of this law clearly has no idea about what it means to hold in the forest a group of armed and often drunken people, and even to make them act (why that instead of Protocol). Especially will appreciate the poachers p. 2 p. 7 article 41. He protects poachers sturdy wall between the true control and practically nullifies the efforts of the inspectors to collect evidence of facts. We read in p,p. 2 :production hunting inspector is permitted ….” stopping and inspection of vehicles without compromising the integrity of the opening and inspect things, vehicles and parts.”. If a poacher in the car carries the carcass of a beast or a bag of furs in the trunk, in a backpack, purse, under a tarpaulin trailer, illegal hunting other prey, then personally manufacturing the inspector has no right to open the backpack, trunk bag, look in the car, etc. Almost production inspectors being denied the right to gather evidence in the form of artifacts that played a highly important role in the future in court. Here and in the following sub-paragraphs 10, 11,12, 13 article 41 provide for ohotinspektoram restrictive measures for violations of rules of inspection of vehicles and their parts and personal belongings of citizens who were detained for verification. How, for example, to verify the conformity of the filed document on the possession of weapons with the weapon, if a hunter put it in a box and put it in the trunk and does not want to present it to the inspector. Thus ,you can find a lot of examples that consciously existing law discourage active against violators of the hunting law. Or that such an incident. In article 15, which determines the position of extraction of the hunting animals for scientific purposes and some as written, is not very significant: who issues the permit for the hunt, or from Vladivostok it is necessary to go to Moscow, to get this permission. for shooting (catching) of animals for scientific purposes. Only thing that is humiliating in nature and does article 15. incapacitated.

Makes a serious mess with article 40 of the law on hunting. Using claim 2 from 18.07. 2011 No. 242 FZ. Thus mixed the functions of the state hunting supervision and turn them into the state inspectors in the field of environmental protection. And it is two big differences. Consider article 11 of our law Here presents a sloppy and ignorant a list of game animals in Russia.. Specified, for example, lynx, but in the further text should be a wild cat. Isn’t lynx a wild cat? Among fur-bearing animals, subject extraction, shown affection. Look in the book “Biology of fishing and hunting animals of the USSR”, which was written by three Moscow professors, leading figures in this matter. “Has great importance as an animal, useful in agriculture. One animal in the course of a year can consume 2-3 thousand rodents, therefore, the Providence of affection inappropriate, she deserves the protection.” To this M. A. Kolosov, N. P. Lavrov and S. P. Naumov.. In the same list flying squirrel, which has an unusually beautiful silky fur, but a thin membrane such that it is impossible to fabricate. And therefore, it is not foraged and harvested, and besides, it is rare…In the list of waders a complete mess Missing whole clans, like a clan Sandpipers – 12 species. From the list completely dropped the order Cetacea, coastal fishing is conducted around the coast of the seas . Arctic ocean, the Caspian sea, lake Baikal, lake Ladoga. How is hunting for marine mammals? In our law this question has no answer.

The list of game animals represented very unevenly: some individuals of species, genera, families.The ducks, or geese, or goose? In addition to the order Cetacea is omitted, for example the detachment of the Bustard. Where to put thrush? Can they at least shoot in the fall as game? Abroad in the autumn of their strangling cords, and eating in trattorias.

The list of types of hunts arranged a real mess, because of the ignorance of authors of the law

Consider article 12 of our document. It’s called hunts. The authors counted seven. Where is the firewood? Everywhere in the text of the law sticks “sport” hunting that which is not never is or will be poaching. Everywhere in any documents from permits to the permits specified standards of production .If shooting is conducted without restrictions on decoy bird or animal, then it is not hunting., and shoot artificially reared game, i.e. the imitation of hunting in the classic sense of the process Here are missing the most important and valuable elements of hunting: searching and hiding game, zadavanie , hiding, waiting., and endurance. And the climax is good (not always) shot. What makes hunting hunting. What the authors call hunting for scientific purposes, and it is rather arbitrary. Shoot for the needs of the science game can, and often do not by the theme, and the technician or assistant that has a hunting license and the right to arms. The word hunt is for scientific purposes it is better to replace the expression of shooting for scientific purposes. Because there is no important element is the timing of hunting and shooting regulations are governed by the need of research, as well as sex of the animal and its age and other parameters. No special hunting for the purpose of regulating the numbers of game animals there. It depends on the amount and objects of the hunt. It may be Amateur, and maybe hunting.

Very often it is executed regular employees of the hunting economy, with involvement of other experienced hunters.. so, for example, is hunting for wolves in a well-known hunting grounds “Lake”. in the Kaluga region. Listed in article 12, subparagraphs 5 and 6 to hunt didn’t have. The wardens of all these things called biotechnical measures. They could write only a person absolutely not familiar with a hunting economy with the Word “hunting” even he calls the hybridization of the hunting resources. With resources you can do whatever you want, but hunting wild animals is not all. Who needs those bastards?

I’m not talking about what is a competent liaison of the Russian language in the text of the law uses thick urpix. For example, in article 15, paragraph 3. in the sentence from two and a half lines, the word “implementation” is used three times, and the prey animal is determined “in scope”, if it is cubic meters or liters… Only hunters game is measured in units, units, individuals, in their heads, but not in cubic meters and liters resources. On each page in the document is repeated with a wild stubbornness that is the “law on hunting and preservation of hunting resources”, and not about hunting and hunting farm. Because in a normal, properly maintained hunting farm always provides for the preservation of game, and increasing its size to a particular limit. Otherwise, without a rational use of reserves of wild animals, the farm ceases to exist. .The term “economy” in this case is much larger and bulkier and encompasses all aspects of the hunting activity. Read clause 4 of article 18. Why suddenly must be destroyed the carcass(es) after the victims of trapping. Causes of death can be various: stress, trauma, fractures, etc. Why the meat of these animals should be destroyed? They can be used in human food or pet. And this categorical “destroy”, does not correspond to reality. Veterinary control and the opinion of the doctor is necessary, but in advance to make it impossible for a therapist. And the second question is :does the account of the deceased in the process of trapping and corralling animals into a shared account is allowed to capture animals or birds or their attributed provider? This ambiguity should be eliminated.

Dwell on article 27 of the law “About hunting in Russia….” Hunting industry agreement., Auctioned hunting should be required to have a passport or a project with the required maps showing the boundaries, smartest and text provided by the method katostrofa works. The cost of these works subsequently paid by natural or legal persons who have won the auction. Payment for ootustele work can be submitted in installments..

What’s happening with hunting, fishing farming. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the USSR had more than 200 hunting and fishing farms, which belonged to two departments:
The ìglavohotaî of the RSFSR and the Rospotrebsoyuz. These agencies are not in competition with each other, the hunting grounds would be enough. These farms engaged in the harvesting of nature’s gifts. It was not only the fur and meat of the game, but greatly expanded its budget and the budget of the state by fishing, farming production, collection and processing of wild plants (mushrooms, berries, nuts), harvesting of honey, fern, medicinal plants. In General, all of them made profit, and, at least, were not unprofitable. A network of commercial farms covered almost the entire territory of Siberia and the Far East. There were prophesy in the Urals and the European North. They employed thousands of people, including from former collective farms in remote and inaccessible areas. Now all these farms have disappeared, and the restoration of the no one thinks. Article 13 FZ “About hunting…” is only a poultice to the dead subject, which here here will finally be buried. No, not legal entities, not individual entrepreneurs, who would invest money in a devastated economy. The government now has other priorities: war, sports, the Crimea, the Ministry of emergency situations, crisis, import substitution and the list goes on.And the people in the provinces in the former commercial farms survive as they want. And people survive this, how can: braconinae,: becoming an alcoholic, beats down forests, steals what’s left of prphotos primarily wood, sells stuff fur, berries and nuts with mushrooms, leaving their homes and migrating to cities where they become homeless, thieves and bandits. One conclusion – without the help of state hunting economy of Russia does not elevate or restore. The Nanai and the Nganasans us in this business not assistants. God forbid that they survived.

There is a simple fact that specialization is the way to progress. And have You ever wondered , what is today’s MNR – Ministry of natural resources of the vast country of Russia.. And what are the resources I mentioned in the beginning of the article. This word can be called everything from rubles to the service life of aircraft engines, to oil, gold, coal, fish and frogs and, of course squirrels and Sables, which we will never calculate. In Russia. The MNR must be held accountable for the entire table . Mendeleev, for all plants and animals listed in the relevant determinants .And it is thousands and thousands of names of types and elements. MNR and pretends that it’s all this good. And how to cope and what professionals there sat well illustrated by the law on hunting. The Minister could inflate their cheeks from their conditional power. But to their works cope poorly, rather, I don’t cope at all, only to confess it doesn’t … and the salary does not allow And it is better to be honest and say that this “Babylon” to work for the good of the nation and the state . Lord! Why don’t You take into account the experience of their ancestors. They were smarter than You, because behind them was the greater experience of state-building. and they worked more honest, a steal compared to today’s officials and generals and other billionaires for a lot less, and cared more about the state, so casually of people who present louts called “plankton”. Stalin wanted to build the Palace of Soviets and to collect there all the commissariats, but then changed his mind and did the right thing. During the war he realized that specialization is the straight path to progress. And our rulers well does this simple thing is not an issue. Although tricky Chubais perched on innovation and powders brains to all your problems .For example, exchanged issued by his Department budget rubles for dollars and now it gives profit from the innovation
So, until you have created special separate ministries, such as Forestry, Hunting and hunting economy, Fishery and so on and sit there have the professionals and not your family, friends and acquaintances, and that’s when the fish will drop, and forests will be less to burn, the poachers will stop flying in helicopters, and moose ducks and geese to grouse to call hunting animals, game, and not resources. Well, let’s hope. Nothing else to do. But first you need to write a new law.


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