Home / Incredible / NASA showed how there is an explosion of stars

NASA showed how there is an explosion of stars

NASA показало, как происходит взрыв звездыThe explosion could film with the help of the Kepler space telescope.

NASA has shown an explosion of stars recorded by the Kepler space telescope.

An international team of scientists led by Professor of astrophysics from the University of Notre Dame in Indiana Peter Garnavich watched the light of 50 billion stars with 500 galaxies within 3 years.

In NASA noted that in 2011, Kepler recorded two stars. KSN 2011a was at a distance of 700 million light years from our planet, and its size almost 300 times greater than the Sun. The second star was called KSN 2011d and was at a distance of 1, 2 billion light years from Earth. Its size is slightly smaller, but it’s still 500 times greater than the Sun.

Video created by the pictures which were taken during the observation of celestial bodies.

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