Home / Incredible / NASA has solved the mystery of the origin of life on Earth

NASA has solved the mystery of the origin of life on Earth

NASA раскрыло тайну зарождения жизни на ЗемлеScientists from NASA said, as on our planet life appeared.

Scientists from NASA have published a study on the emergence of life on Earth because of superspies in the Sun.
Solar superspike (emissions huge energy into the surrounding space) in ancient times, could start a chain of chemical reactions on Earth with the formation of compounds that has made possible life on Earth. Dedicated research scientists from NASA published in the journal Nature Geoscience.

In the atmosphere of ancient Earth was present, the nitrogen in molecular form. This, according to scientists, sufficient for the emergence of life on the planet, since most chemical active is not molecular and atomic form of nitrogen which can be subsequently recombined into biologically useful forms.

Scientists watched the storms on Solnechnodolsk young stars, in which there are mass emissions of energetic particles. Experts came to the conclusion that similar superspike in the Sun can distort the magnetic field of the young planet, causing the streams of charged particles fall into Earth’s atmosphere.

In her energetic particles will cause the formation with the participation of molecular nitrogen nitrous oxide and hydrogen cyanide. The last and will be a source of atomic nitrogen for building biological molecules (including amino acids).

In turn, the nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas that may promote warming up of the planet’s atmosphere to temperatures sufficient to maintain water in the liquid state. These events could occur, according to scientists, billions of years ago, when the luminosity of the Sun was 30 percent less than today.

Scientists note that their observed mechanism may mean that the chances of occurrence of suitable life conditions that have planets (and exoplanets), which previously were not adapted. In particular, physicists do not rule out that the described arrangement of superspies could take place on Mars.

The result is the most powerful solar flares into space for a few minutes it goes to a trillion megatons of TNT. It’s about a fifth of the energy radiated by the Sun per second, and all the energy that will develop people for a million years (assuming a modern production rate).

Superspike occur, usually, on the larger stars of spectral class F8 — G8, massive analogues of the Sun (class G2). These lights are usually not quick rotate around its axis and can be part of a close binary system. The power of the sun SuperSPARC exceeds tens of thousands of times.

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