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Named the best fruit for quick weight loss

Назван лучший фрукт для быстрого похудения6 reasons to use quince in the fall.

Quince is one of the best dietary products.

We will tell, what useful properties of the product.

Fighting effectively with stress

Quince may be the best coffee to cope with the lack of energy. The product relieves stress and invigorates perfectly. Psychologists say that the fruit is suitable for the treatment of depression in children. Quince can be eaten fresh, and cooking stewed fruit and make jam.

Get rid of anemia

100 g of quince in the day can provide the body two daily rules iron, so the product is very useful for those who suffer from anemia and also for and prevention of the disease. Quince is very similar in taste to a mixture of pear and Apple, so you can experiment in the kitchen – bake the quinces in the oven with the addition of a small amount of sugar and nuts.

Cancer prevention

Quince is useful in that it contains in its composition a lot of antioxidants, which reduce cancer risk. Fruit can be added to meat dishes, rice, and pies.

Quickly lose weight

100 g of broccoli contains only 40 kcal. The dietary fiber in the composition helps digestion and has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

Activating the brain

The quince contains a lot of phosphorus, which is essential for brain activity. It fatigue, muscle pain, weakness often signals a deficiency of phosphorus.

Strengthen the body

Quince you can also prepare fresh juice, which has a tonic, antiseptic and diuretic. You can experiment by diluting it 1:1 with Apple juice, carrot or citrus.
Quince has contraindications. Fruit should not be eaten when pleurisy and constipation.

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